Previous OS entries remain in BIOS

I’m a bit of a distro hopper, though Arch remains my consistent day-to-day distro of choice. I notice that old entries remain in the BIOS with no way to remove them that I can see. The only option I see is to disable them (which I do). Am I missing something?

You should be able to remove them with efibootmgr, list all entries with:

> efibootmgr -u

BootOrder: 0001,0003,0000,0004
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager
Boot0001* Fedora
Boot0003* opensuse-secureboot
Boot0004* UEFI:CD/DVD Drive
(abbreviated output)

Note the number next to “Boot” of the entry you want to delete and then execute this command:

sudo efibootmgr -b 0000 -B

In this example, this would delete the “Windows Boot Manager”.


13th Gen, the Bios is InsydeH2O v IFR30.03.05

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That works pretty well except openSuse keeps coming back from the dead.

Does openSUSE maybe use the same EFI system partition that your Arch install uses? That way it might still be detected and re-added automatically at boot.


That makes sense, I will figure out how to fix that. Thank you for your help!

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That was the solution: remove the directory from the EFI partition. Thank you again for answering my question!

Glad I could help!