Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

Or just use slot 4 and gripe about it until it gets sorted. :slight_smile:

Folks, I’m happy to say that I haven’t had any freezes/BSODs on Windows for about a month. I’ve been using my dual boot setup with let’s say a 65% Linux 35% Windows split. I’ve used it with Windows on battery for quite a bit, and it’s been stable.

I haven’t updated to the newest AMD drivers that were released just a few days ago, but I had updated before, around the time I posted this. Here’s a screenshot of my reliability history (by week):


@okko What did you do to prevent your crashes? I’m experiencing the same issue as a lot of people here and tried just about everything from a clean Win 11 install, using just FW-provided drivers and using AMD-provided drivers to no avail. Very frustrating

Adjusting the PCIE power plan has not resolved the issue for the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION blue screen of death.

Still seeing it.

After switching to a supported 8GB kit (The SK Hynix one) it appears to have solved most of my issues as of now. I really dont want to buy back up to 32GB but hey I guess im at least stable for now.

I have the same issue too. Framework needs to investigate the root of this issue as its widespread. Re-seating the RAM, Clean Windows install, updating AMD drivers didnt work.

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My 7640U on Windows 11 never froze for weeks connected to power until I finally removed it to use on battery power and then completely froze after 15 minutes of use. That only happened once and hasn’t happened since. I am using 2x32GB G.Skill Ripjaws CL40 ram.

Sorry to hear that others are still having BSODs. I suspect that there are multiple issues at play.

I have had no BSODs for several weeks now. My exact setup process was - Windows install, FW drivers install, Adrenaline 23.11.1 install. Then PCIe energy saving change as per above. Since I currently have a stable system, I am not going to try updating to 23.12.1.

Do you run on battery or always plugged into power? It look likes the crashes occur when run on battery.

I was having BSODs on battery only before I applied the PCIe energy saving change. Since then, no BSOD and my usage is a mix of powered and battery.


For my BSOD (DPC Watchdog) I’ve encountered it both plugged in and on battery.

I only had the BSOD (DPC Watchdog) happen once, it on battery. After that the only change I made was that I updated the AMD drivers and so far so good…

Welp, another hard freeze, while plugged in. Very frustrating.

I work in IT and use a ton of laptops, build my own computers, and have not had another in ages that was as unreliable. I love the Framework concept, and I love the laptop, but these freezes seriously are harshing my mellow.

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Another day another BSOD. This laptop is going to turn me into a cat lover.

So… I am also running into these issues pretty regularly. I switched to the AMD drivers a while back, and it seemed to solve the problem, but yesterday I had more crashes than I have ever had. I am not super concerned, but I do hope this is something that is being worked on behind the scenes.

This seems to have fixed it for me too (on 7640u).

Tried the PCIE power tip, still running into freezes. Do we have a root cause? I am also on latest AMD drivers

Anyone else using gskill memory?

Yeah, changing the PCIE settings hasn’t helped at all. I am constantly getting that BSOD. It is pretty frustrating.

At least for me it seems like the December AMD graphics drivers have fixed the BSODs. I haven’t had any crashes despite not rebooting for a week. The older drivers would consistently cause the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION BSOD within a couple of days of not having rebooted.

Disabling Hardware Acceleration in applications that use it (browsers, Discord, Spotify, etc.) seems to be working for me currently. This is of course a remedy and not a fix, but worth trying.

Updating to the december AMD drivers did not work. I’m also running the common 2x16GB Crucial kit, CT2K16G56C46S5. This freezing issue appears to exist with other AMD graphics cards based on threads in other forums, so very reasonable to suspect the graphics drivers.