Warning: Do Not Buy A Framework

I have had 3 separate problems with my framework computer. Support strings me along with dozens of possible fixes that do nothing. It crashes and requires a restart every 10-15 minutes. This computer is nothing but a giant time and money sink. I’ve had $150 HPs that work better than this computer that cost 10x that much. My first computer in the 90s worked better than this. In fact I have never come into contact with such a dysfunctional computer. I’m really not looking for help here. I just bought a new computer. I just hope anybody considering buying a framework reads this and looks elsewhere. It’s a really cool concept but their hardware is complete junk.

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Framework is a relatively new company, so they have not yet matured enough such that every step of the process is streamlined. When thinking about purchasing a Framework, you have to be willing to go through the issues that first adopters go through. The Framework Laptop 13 and 16 are definitely not perfect in their current form, but because of Framework’s open design, it leaves a lot of room for adding improvements without having to purchase a whole new computer.

Yes, it can be a pain sometimes, but that is what you have to expect with relatively immature hardware. Other OEMs have had decades to polish their manufacturing processes while Framework has only existed for around 4 years. They still have a long way to go in improving the reliability of their manufacturing processes to reduce issues such as faulty cooling systems and stripped screws, but it takes time.

My opinion as of now is that if tinkering and spending time solving issues with your computer is not something you want to deal with, don’t buy a Framework laptop. If you are someone who appreciates Framework’s mission, and have both the time and money to spend on working a Framework laptop, then it can be the laptop for you.


I can sympathize with your frustration on feeling stringed along. On the other hand there are a lot of people who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and want all companies they deal with to pick up the tab. Computers are extremely complicated pieces of equipment and there A LOT of ways the customer can mess them up. I am not implying that you, specifically, did anything of this nature. However, many people do, and for this reason, Framework must be cautious. (I do not work for Framework)

Your intentions of smearing the company because you are unhappy is a little disingenuous. No real information was shared here and you simply paint brush bad mouth them.

My own experience is completely different from yours. I have over 5 mainboards and 2 Framework 13s in use at my house, and all of them work beautifully. You’ll find that most of the people participating here are here because they are experiencing similar things.

If your experience was the status quo Framework would not be thriving, but would have died.
I assume you are still under warranty, so a resolution is still possible. I’d be happy to hear when that happens.


I’ve been using my FW16 for half a year now, with no hardware-related problems. So I’d buy it again. So anyone reading this thread, check on the forums for any computer you want to buy, and I’m sure you will find similar problems everywhere. Sometimes, electronics are just faulty, but most of the time it just works.


I am not a framework owner myself. I must admit this is a little concerning to read and not the messaging that Framework puts out.

At the risk of going off-topic, I have also been following the MNT forum, makers of the Reform. Whilst I would like to get such a machine someday, the number of booting, overheating and charging problems being reported by users stays my hand somewhat. This on a machine which - relatively speaking - only a handful have been built and most of the customer base are enthusiasts. I know @2disbetter is an owner - how does the reliability of the two brands compare from personal experience?

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I will say that most of the laptops are fully functional and work quite well, but because the manufacturing processes have not been finely tuned, sometimes somewhat faulty units slip through. For the number of Framework Laptops shipped, the number of issues reported on the forum is actually quite small.

I had an overheating issue on my Framework 16’s cooling system, but it didn’t really affect daily use. The main issue was it wasn’t getting up to the expected performance level. Liquid metal is not an easy material to work with and this is Framework’s first attempt at a liquid metal cooled laptop, so sometimes you get unlucky and the unit doesn’t perform up to spec.

I’m sure given more time, Framework Laptops will certainly improve, but if you’re unlucky and get shipped with a faulty unit, you are going to have to work with support.

The main tinkering part is with the software, especially if you are going with an not officially or community supported OS. Framework has been pretty good at fixing the bugs and now they aren’t very frequent, but sometimes they still occur, like Windows BSODs due to driver issues.

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That’s not a realistic statement as the majority are fine. You have a problem with your setup and then infer that is common. wtf

Take care

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That’s been the on-going reasoning / justification / excuse for the past 3 years… At some point, it’s not going to fly any longer.

Can be hard to swallow.

Yeah, seems that way.

That’s me…kind of…but OMG, I really hated ‘my’ journey experience. (Because there are things that can’t be fixed on the 11th gen board. See my FL13 keyboard in the other thread…almost unused…paperweight)

Over the past three years though, one would expect things (e.g. reliability) to have improved.


What thread?

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Why are you expecting framework to be better than like hP or DELL :expressionless:

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Here: I'd love to see a replacement keyboard

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Is he?

I would have arranged a return within the return period…without going through the support hoops. And re-evaulate if I want to make another Framework purchase, or…etc. With a return, you’re putting yourself (the situation) back onto a happy path, early. Money in your pocket means you still have options…and time.

(Honeymoon period should not be painful)

It is unfortunate that your experience has been far from optimal…but generally speaking, Framework Laptops do function relatively OK (i.e. not complete junk), but you need to vet out all the use cases / settings. You’re ultimately THE validation party.

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Return it, get something else, move on.


Do you have any details? Which Framework do/did you have? 13", 16"? If it’s a 13", which mainboard/CPU? What operating system? What happens when it “crashes?” Is it a blue-screen issue? Something else?

Only curious. You’ve made a blanket “warning” not to buy any Framework products based on your experience. It would be nice to have a few details.


Same here. I have my FW16 on almost 24/7 and game on it every other night at least. Been rock solid. Not sure what this guy is on about, but that’s not my experience at all.


I share the same experience, FL16 near 12 hours everyday for work and gaming, one blue screen because of the first bios version then not any since the end of march :confused:

Hope you’ll have a fix of some sort. Just avoid unecessary alarming title, even more with so few information

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I bought a Framework a year ago, and it handles the craziest Minecraft TNTs (mods) better than my brother’s 2000€ Gaming Laptop (from 2018).
So, you’re problem is a special case.
If you had Windows, it’s crap. (Ok, that’s a personal opinion which doesn’t help much, I guess).
Anyway, Framework laptops are amazing. Of course there are things to improve here and there, but that’s just inherent to cutting edge technology and design : it’s experimental nature is what makes it so amazing too !
Computer from the 90s are from another world. Certainly reliable, but also not very powerful.

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Welcome to the forum

As you say

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I find it quite puzzling that the original poster damns all Framework computers, claims to have all sorts of problems and, yet, never gives any details about the problems or the configuration of their Framework computer, and never replies or posts again. This makes me wonder if this is nothing more than a MacFan or WindowsFan who thinks Framework computers and, perhaps Linux, are a threat to their personal favorite brand of computers and operating systems and is simply trolling…perhaps not even an owner of a Framework computer? Given the huge improvements in all operating systems in the past 30 years, it seems quite unlikely that a computer from the 1990s, running Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 or Mac “Classic” OS from the 1990s would be superior to a decent current computer running one of the better Linux distros or even a current Windows or a current Mac OS version.