Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

True, true… however, when there’s known issues with the laptop, I’d put my money on the laptop rather than the RAM.

@SideBurns1985 are you UK based? I can lend some DDR-5 that I know works 100% fine, as in I still got the BSODs with my framework but it worked flawlessly with a HP? Send me a DM if you are :+1:

My issue I was having was also ram related so that makes 2

So the oddity and why I am not sure RAM is the sole root issue (at least for my case), was by running just the new stick of ram receiver as a replacement a while back I was still able to trigger a BSOD. That same stick of ram plus one of the original sticks of ram is in the machine right now running fine, and I don’t have anything specific to point to as the hard fix, except potentially drivers. The one stick I had returned seemed to be triggering issues more frequently, but since I don’t have hard steps to reproduce it was a very loose “more frequent” at the end of the day.

I am not saying ram can’t be the issuing. Just saying that my current stable system has ram that we’re also installed while the system would bsod.

Just out of interest, when you use your laptop (on battery, with trackpad) were you using your laptop on a table/desk when you had stability?

I only ask because, I had nearly a full fortnight without a BSOD working at a desk (on battery, with trackpad) and then had three BSODs lounging on the sofa doing some browsing in quick succession. I’ve been through the whole ram swapping, running off a single stick etc with support, and literally the only thing I can think now is how I’m using it being the only difference.

Clutching at straws a bit here but it is worth seeing if there’s something in it :person_shrugging: I’ve had mine open and ensured as best as I could that everything is seated correctly

I assume you are also aware of a possible problem with touchpads (identified on reviewer units of FL16) causing BSODs. This is also being investigated as a possible source on FL13s as well.

Back when I had issues I would NEVER get them at my desk, but the second that I would use it not attached to my EGPU and monitors it would bsod 2-3 times a day. Highly theoretical but maybe the tracpad voltage issue has something to do with ram? Also a while back I remember asking if you had tried a different kit and tried it in a different laptop, do you also have a framework official kit?

Hey Alan. Yep, I sure am. Just interested to see if there was a pattern with using the trackad at a desk rather than in a mobile position like when I’m bored on the sofa, getting my BSOD’s while scrolling through food posts on Facebook :joy:

Yea, tried my official framework kit in a friend’s HP, no issues. Tried his RAM in mine, issue persisted. I’ve gone to a 32gb Kingston fury kit now, same issue there too.

I’ve waited this long, so happy to wait a little longer. I’m mainly using my PC for work at the moment, not ideal but it’s a solution. Hopefully it is the track pad issue found in the 16 and a fix is coming shortly

Got a FW13 AMD for my daughter last week. 32GB Kingston Furry RAM. She was off school last week, so she was using it plugged in. No issues. Monday she went to school, running on battery it crashed and went BSOD.

I feel the RAM being called out by support is BS and just passing off the problem.

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There goes my unsaved homework…

I believe that the Lunar New Year is over now, and unless my eyes deceive me, I see no updates from anyone at Framework.

We are well over 100 days (122 to be precise) since I originally reported this issue in your subreddit. We are well over 100 days since your support gave me advice that corrupted my OS install. We are well over 300 replies in this echo chamber of a thread. Could you at least throw me some darn crumbs?? A temporary fix, something, anything?

Seriously guys, I don’t know what I am supposed to do here. I understand that supposedly work is being done to fix the issue, but we get no status updates until both sides are at the point of yelling, and there is no material advice or patch that I can apply to my laptop to at least partially remedy this issue.

To everyone that says I am getting better support than name big company, that’s why I paid for this laptop! So I would not have to deal with the issue I am currently stuck with! Instead of picking up a second hand laptop that fit my needs, I spend my hard earned cash to get a laptop with a small company supporting it and that had the promise of future upgrades. And right now, I love the laptop! But on the case of standing behind your product, I am feeling very ripped off.


Add a second blue screen (in under 45 minutes) to the oh-so-fantastic day I’m having.

Yes, my drivers are the latest from both framework and AMD.

The consensus seems to be that using the laptop plugged in and avoiding trackpad at least alleviates the problem. My dad’s FW13 AMD had these BSODs but they are really infrequent, probably because he uses it plugged in at his desk. I think some of the more recent AMD drivers also helped a little, but I’m not sure.

Avoiding the trackpad is tricky business, because you can still touch it and cause input when just typing on the keyboard, even though it is ignored by the OS.

I agree with you; I think the communication is lacking. The thing that irks me in particular is support is still recommending costly troubleshooting options involving RAM swaps even though it’s well established at this point that it is not a RAM specific issue.

I think a more specific time frame should be provided for the firmware update, and support should be instructed to notify users about it and provide guidance on capturing memory dumps for additional troubleshooting instead of sending them on a fruitless chase for “better” RAM.

I appreciate your advice, thank you.

Problem for me is, my laptop was plugged in for that first bluescreen today. I have a bluetooth mouse, and I use it when possible, but as a student, I am all over campus on a daily basis, and don’t always have a surface to use it on reliably.

Yep, same situation for my dad’s laptop. I hypothesize the issue is related to some power state transition and simultaneous trackpad input, which is more likely to occur on battery but not impossible on AC power. I wonder if it’s possible to, say, disable clock speed scaling on the CPU/GPU entirely and lock it to stock clock, and see if that improves it. Additionally, maybe finding common power state transitions and forcing them to occur repeatedly could narrow down the specific cause. I’m not sure what tools are available to do this in Windows.

For those of you with issues on battery, reposting a setting change which I found helped/eliminated the BSODs (with exception of rare touchpad related crashes):

Couldn’t agree more. The amount of “I don’t have the issue, so it is not a serious problem” or “what do you expect, Framework is a small company” comments on the forum is quite incredible.

People seem to be content to have spent over 1500EUR for a product which cannot be relied upon. As a reference, I see HP now has an identical AMD spec (with OLED screen) for 800USD. Non soldered SSD and RAM.

Let’s remember that FW managed to turn around a BIOS update to fix touchpad crashes for FW16 in a matter of days once the Verge published a review highlighting the issue. No idea why the same can’t be done for FW13.

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Also wanted to share something that worked for me. When I first got the laptop, I installed the framework driver bundle, then later installed the amd adrenalin drivers. I started getting BSODs that increased in frequency to the point where I was getting them multiple times a day. Last week, I downgraded back by reinstalling the framework driver bundle again, and I haven’t gotten a BSOD since. Crossing my fingers this continues. Maybe this post might help someone.

What process did you follow to downgrade? Can you open device manager to see if you have any devices with unloaded drivers?

Once the laptop became stable, I have since

  • taken it on a cruise ship, using it on battery primarily on my lap.
  • at home in a mix of desk and lap configurations, 80% of the time w/ the trackpad.

I am in the Pacific Northwest so we usually have reasonable humidity levels. Static shock may be something to explore. Earlier in winter was pretty dry for Portland and I shocked a cat more than once.

When on the couch, there is typically a fleece blanket and/or cat involved so it’s not exactly a airflow or static friendly environment.

Cross checking home assistant (what data I have retained), there isn’t a clear linkage between the house humidity/static electricity and crashes.

Edit: 1 hr later
And of course, I just crashed w/ a BSOD DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION for the first time in weeks an hour after posting the previous messages… Back to the support channel for me…