Request: Review of Korean, Belgian, Japanese, and Latin American keyboards

Hi, the Spanish Latin American keyboard which is now available in the Marketplace has a typo in the caps lock key (“bloq mayús” in spanish). It has the letter “ũ” instead of the letter “ú”. In the latest image with the updated artwork this was apparently fixed, but at least in the Marketplace image it does have the typo.

Is this just an old image being used in the Marketplace or is the keyboard being shipped with the typo @nrp?

Marketplace image

Latest update


Hi @nrp

Has anyone at Framework taken a look at the Spanish Latin American keyboard issue?

The korean layout looks great! Looking forward for having one :grinning:

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Looking at the Marketplace I can see the Belgian, Korean and Latin American keyboards are coming soon, but I notice that the Japanese one is not is this due to technical challenges of a Japanese keyboard or simply a different problem? Excited to see all the continued development though! Please keep up the good work (:


Moving to Japan soon, I own a Framework Laptop. I would appreciate an update on the Japanese keyboard

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While the Japanese layout reviewed is a standard one, it lacks the elegance that found in the US keyboard.

I love the simpler keyboard layout found in

Differences that matter:

  • Only alphabets. e.g. 半角/全角 => E/J, 無変換 => eng, 変換 → kana.

  • No hiragana. Most Japanese users rely on romaji input, not kana input. In other words, hiragana characters printed on a keyboard are not read at all. It is safe to omit them for the majority of Japanese.

  • It omits an unnecessary (in practice) key: カタカナひらがな|ローマ字. This key is only for switching between romaji input and kana input, and has been confusing to people who have learned only romaji input or who stick to the single input method. It occupies an easily mistyped position. It also shortens the space bar, which is uncomfortable for thumbs. Better off not having it.

These changes will bring a more enjoyable and perfect experience with a good mix of the two keyboards, US and JIS. I hope the modified layout will be available as an option.
Thank you very much!

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Thank you for your input everyone. Since some of this will be going into production shortly, we’ll be closing this thread.

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