Request: Review of Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Swiss, Slovenian, Thai, Hungarian, and Danish keyboards

Ok, for you and all the other Tech Savey buyers, Framework has the blank keyboard option. Enjoy.

Also available in clear

So it should not matter to you at all what they put on their Swiss keyboard.


Portuguese layout is correct. But it misses the € symbol printed on bottom right of 5 key for AltGr+5.

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Even though I do touch typing, I’d like to formally exclude myself from tech-savvy buyers. I prefer my keys to not be naked.

The Danish one is looking great btw, I won’t use it as I’ve switched to ANSI layout. but I compared it to my old Nordic keyboards & it seems everything is where it needs to be.

I understand it’s looking strange in the first moment. But on the other hand this keyboard layout is set down in a standard. Please stick to standards if available, it makes every lifes easier.

Then they don’t mind the printing on the keys anyway :wink:

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Swedish looks good at a glance!



Hungarian keyboard print is the same as my ThinkPad.

However, it is missing prints available on the Windows On Screen/Keyboard.
The missing items are all activated using Alt Gr.
Here is the visual list:

Ä is on key E
ä is on key A
Í is on key I
í is on key J
< is on key M
> is on key .

I think the split between de and fr is between the left and right column, not the top and bottom row. The upper and lower rows depend on the state of the Shift key, so the columns must separate Swiss German (umlauts by default, french accents with shift) and Swiss French (accents by default, umlauts with shift).

And I agree, both variants should be present on the keyboard. This is in accordance with the standard (SN 074021:1999), which unfortunately one must pay to view… There is a summary here though: A Visual Comparison of Different National Layouts on a Computer Keyboard.


I so much would love to see a menu key between AltGr and Ctrl… Then make spacebar 1 tile smaller… Would that even be feasible?


@Haldi I’ve been using swiss layout all my life, and every keyboard I used had this design. As there is some language madness in Switzerland, the swiss keyboard is really great at handling the compromises between French, German and Italian. Also, people are often bilingual here, so you sometimes write in French then German or vice-versa.

Having one standard for a whole country makes it also easier for production. I agree with the other that they should stick to the standard as they have shown.


Hello there,

The Hungarian is perfect. I use the same layout daily.

Probably too late now but in case I’m not, here are my two cents on the Swiss layout.

I can’t see anything wrong with the placement of any of the letters or special characters, but I would have some aesthetic preferences.

I agree with the previous commenter on the Swiss layout that it’s a bit silly to have two of each öé àä üè on each key, but this way it works for both the French speakers and German speakers in Switzerland, as the German speakers set their keyboard to have öäü accessible without shift and éàè in the shift position, while it’s the opposite for the French speakers. So the current design accommodates both and is extremely common in Switzerland, I think I’ve only ever seen Macs with a different design where they put them side by side instead. This is definitely non-standard though in Switzerland.

I would however reduce the horizontal spacing between the öé/éö to match the spacing of üè/èü and äà/àä, that’s how it is generally done and I think it’s nicer aesthetically:

Another alignment issue is here in my opinion:

Normally on the Swiss keyboards I’ve seen they are in line with each other rather than in the position where they would appear in text.

The swiss keyboard layout is fine !!!


@Thierry_Vial I believe I’m sensing aggression in your response to my comment, which surprises and honestly upsets me, as I was trying to help add some finishing touches to the Swiss design. I’m wondering why? Are you maybe worried that the Swiss keyboard and thus Framework availability in Switzerland could be delayed due to a detail? Or do you prefer the original design to my suggestions?

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Just take a look at this beautiful Logitech G11 Keyboard.

Loigtech is (was) a Swiss company and they’ve been doing Keyboards for a while.
They are STILL doing the “wrong” layout.

We don’t need double öé éö on one button. Doesn’t matter if é is on top or ö.
Standard Press does the one you normaly use, and Shift does the other. That simple. No matter which one of the two is higher on the Keyboard.

It just looks damn fugly to have twice the same letter on your Keyboard for no valid benefit.
Except for being technically correct (which is the best form of correct, i admit). But that standard was just forced by some minorities without ANY valuble benefit for all sides.

I Stand my Point. Just don’t do it!

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Yeah, the Swiss Keyboard is fine. Same as on my DELL Stock keyboard!

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I personally also prefer the simpler look of only one öé üè äà per key rather than doubling them up, but either is fine. In case the designer reads this, the only thing that should be avoided is to have one öé üè äà per key and stack them on top of each other, that would definitely piss off either the German speakers or the French speakers depending on which orientation is chosen. If the letters are only used once on each key then they should be side by side (as in the Mac keyboard I linked) or diagonally as in that nice Logitech G11 keyboard above.

The Swedish keyboard looks good! Like others have mentioned the ‘I’ looks a little thick in the image, but other than that everything else seems spot on and looks just like all my other keyboards.

Personally I don’t mind having the Windows logo on the super key, I like it, but should you include an alternative I think the Framework logo would look nice.

Also, big plus for using ISO layout with the L-shaped ENTER key! It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find laptops with them from popular brands (at least gaming brands) these days, and I really don’t fancy the ANSI layout. For this single reason, I’ve chosen to stay away from laptop makers like ASUS and MSI, even though I otherwise like their laptops.

Really looking forward to getting a 16" Framework Laptop with GPU, when it becomes available in Sweden!


I was pretty shocked there isn’t a bigger deal made about that, at least consumer HP and ASUS started doing that a while ago and I have seen no major complaints about it. It’s not even an ANSI layout but some weird mix with one key missing (replaced by an FN key layer or something) and one moving to the other side of the keyboard.


Norwegian keyboard is correct

The danish layout makes me happy.
I would prefer something like a framework logo on the ‘system’ key instead of the windows logo, but that is purely for aesthetics :smiley:
I love it!