[RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild

Anyone else in the US see their upgrade kit get delayed in customs in Anchorage?


Yes! And at 3:04 as well - I guess ours are shipping together. Fingers crossed…
(Edit: mine is a DIY instead of an upgrade kit)


Ah, just missed your post. Good to know I’m not the only one.


Would anyone with their AMD to hand be able to confirm Ryzen AI support?

For Windows users, it shows as an IPU in device manager.

For Linux users, I believe IPU should be mentioned in lspci and/or lshw.

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Mine too!
I really hope it’s just a glich.

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Received my AMD machine yesterday and did some setup today. I can confirm the IPU is visible in my windows device manager:


I see it too.


I’ve been refreshing the tracking like a mad man and there’s only 750 kilometers left!

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LOL! In parenting we call this helicopter parenting :grinning:

PS: I love that your tracking it kilometer by kilometer :clap:


Honestly I’m impressed that it was in China about 6 hours ago and it arrived in France an hour ago. Sure that’s plenty doable with air traffic but I sort of expected it to take longer in some hubs. It only took 45 minutes for it to be released from the hub in France where it landed.

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Related XKCD:


Don’t forget timezones :slight_smile: FedEx tracking says departed 12:17AM and arrived 2:18PM for me (China->France) so it’s more like 14 hours minus un/loading the planes.

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I’m in the 3:04 batch (upgrade kit) here as well. Hopefully good news by Monday! I’m fine letting others work out the Linux bugs before I upgrade anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:


While I do think that is valid, I’m entirely sure that the times that I mentioned are correct. 7:15 PM my time the last update was around 2:15 PM and at 7:25 I noticed there was a new update at 7:22.

Roundabout 9500km in 5 hours would be 1900km/h. If FedEx doesn’t use Concordes this is very ambitious :wink: Maybe just some error in tracking.


Sorry about that. I planned on placing a /s there but it seems my tired ass forgot it on my last comment :persevere:.

Your concordes comment did asd to the joke well. :grin:


Has anyone done any undervolting with their laptop? Does it work and is there a noticeable benefit?


Hrm. Looks like that shipment is still stuck in Alaska. >_> Everyone is crossing their fingers right?

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Mine moved from Paris to Cologne in the meantime.

Consider them crossed :slight_smile:

I work with a business that imports their product, and as a government agency, US customs is always closed on weekends, hence the FedEx delay. Things should resume on Monday as normal and the packages should start moving again unless the shipment is flagged for further inspection which hopefully won’t happen.

But so far, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about on that delay. Just FYI :slight_smile: