[RESPONDED] Any plan to have FL13 Red Hat and / or Ubuntu Certified?

Probably won’t hear much on this from Framework directly, unless there’s something to share.

(This list: Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, and this: Certified laptops | Ubuntu)

Even entry level Inspiron and Vostro models are Ubuntu certified.

Granted, I have no clue as to what the level of efforts / involvement is like.


Not going to comment directly, however, I will share we are working with the right people and we will see compatibility improvements throughout 2024.


nrp made this comment on a different forum

“AMD continues to improve things with each release, and we’ve sent hardware to folks at Canonical for Ubuntu and Red Hat for Fedora to help speed along the process of having the out of the box experience with popular distros be smooth.”

not sure if that means they might become certified.


This is the correct answer. Stuff that isn’t there yet in general, some of this will be addressed in software updates and BIOS updates - regarding BIOS updates, we are hyper-actively working in this space to get everything dialed in. No, I have no ETA other than to suggest when we’re ready, it will be pinned in the forums and cross linked here.