[RESPONDED] Framework and PopOS

So I have this one glaring issue with my Framework running PopOS which is that my screen resolution changes whenever the computer goes to sleep/suspends or turns off. The default, it seems is the following.

Built-in display:

  • Orientation: Landscape
  • Resolution: 2256 x 1504 (3:2)
  • Refresh Rate: 60.00 Hz
  • Scale: 200%
  • Fractional Scaling: On
    HiDPI Daemon:
  • Enabled: On
  • Mode: On

(I’m listing them all, idk what the HiDPI Daemon is and am curious.) I am fine with the display function except the Fractional Scale of 200%, I prefer it at 150% most of the time, except when I need large text and my eyes are having trouble reading.

The problem is whenever the framework suspends or shuts off, it always resets to 200%. And it’s worse when it suspends because it doesn’t actually resize anything to fit in the change in resolution, so the screen just looks more zoomed in and the mouse determines where the zoomed windows goes.

Anyone have any ideas? I tried using a script that uses the HiDPI-Fixer AppImage, but that was imperfect at best, and still needed to be manually run each time in my implementation, I could not get it to be automatic. (Also it made my Zoom client way over-sized for my screen and it was not resizable, I figured that out that bug fix later).

Yes I’ve tried this multiple times and still gotten the same results, and I can’t find anything written online to fix it. Wiping the computer, reinstalling the OS, the bug still exists. I also notice the HiDPI daemon controls behave strangely and the notification for it cannot be dismissed. No idea if that’s even related.

TLDR: I need either an automatic fix to re-adjust my resolution scaling to 150% whenever I wake up the computer (an imperfect but passable solution) or I need a way to fix the bug in PopOS + Framework that changes the screen resolution outside my control when the laptop suspends or shuts off (an actual fix).

I had to disable the HiDPI Daemon to get mine to stick at 150%, I’m not sure what it even does

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Oh, it’s for using external monitors with lower dpi:

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IS there a way to enable kinetic scrolling in XWayland? I’ve got it turned on in Firefox but it doesn’t do anything. I want kinetic scrolling and all I see is posts about people asking how to turn it off, how do you enable it in the first place?

As I have finished a new install of POP!_OS 22.04 on the 12th of September using the 12th-Gen module, I was able to use all the components from the apt sources. The main packages are the following:

  • fprintd/jammy-updates,now 1.94.2-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  • libpam-fprintd/jammy-updates,now 1.94.2-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64 [installed]

I have done a few extra steps to enable the fingerprint to login as well as to be used with a password management client.

I am planning to setup a Yubikey (model 5C NFC) in the near future.

Installed Pop OS 22.04 on my new 12th gen i7-1280P DIY. Most works fine out of the box, but I found out the function keys were not mapped and for some such as brightness and airplane mode its a bit hard.

To do so I researched multiple topics that might help others as well.

First go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Keyboard’ > ‘View and Customize Shortcuts’

For Media buttons click ‘Sound and Media’

  • Next track F6
  • Play (or play/pause) F5
  • Previous track F4
  • Volume down F2
  • Volume mute/unmute F1
  • Volume up F3

For screenshots click ‘Screenshots’

  • Take a screenshot Shift+F11
  • Take a screenshot interactively F11
  • Take a screenshot of a window ALT+F11

For brightness click ‘Custom Shortcuts’

  • First go to the terminal by SUPER+T
  • install brightnessctl tool that will control changing the brightness
  • sudo apt-get install brightnessctl
  • give sudo users permission to use sudo without password so you can run brightnessctl without giving a password with the following command
  • sudo visudo
  • Scroll to the line: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL and change into %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Save the file by CTRL+X
  • Close the terminal
  • Add a new custom shortcut by pressing the + button
  • Name ‘brightness lower’ , command sudo brightnessctl -d "intel_backlight" set 10%- Shortcut F7
  • Name ‘brightness up’ , command sudo brightnessctl -d "intel_backlight" set +10% Shortcut F8

For Airplane toggle stay in ‘Custom Shortcuts’

  • First go to the terminal by SUPER+T
  • create the following script by a editor such as nano. By giving the command: nano airplane.sh
wifi="$(nmcli r wifi | awk 'FNR = 2 {print $1}')"
if [ "$wifi" == "enabled" ]; then
    rfkill block all &
    rfkill unblock all &
  • Save the script by pressing CTRL+X
  • Enter the following command to give the file the necessary permissions to run: chmod 755 airplane.sh
  • Close the terminal
  • Add a new custom shortcut by pressing the + button
  • Name ‘Airplane mode’ , command /home/user/airplane.sh Shortcut F10 (change the ‘user’ into your pop os username.)

Enjoy your function keys :partying_face:

Sources used:

  1. Ubuntu F7 & F8 brightness work only under Ubuntu, not Windowmaker or Xfce - #2 by Chiraag_Nataraj
  2. wireless - Turn Airplane Mode on/off via terminal - Ask Ubuntu
  3. Modify Keyboard Shortcuts (Pop!_OS) - System76 Support
  4. How to Use sudo Commands Without Password in Linux

Hey folks - I’m a total newbie so I’m unsure if this is the most elegant way of doing it, but given that Pop uses kernelstub I figured I’d try adding the "quiet splash module_blacklist=hid_sensor_hub" to it. It works!

So, my kernelstub is:

sudo kernelstub -o "quiet splash module_blacklist=hid_sensor_hub mem_sleep_default=deep"

I’m happy to hear how this is bad & wrong, but man, keys work now.

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Hi @Neal_Knight , welcome :slight_smile:
What is this kernelstub command about? Is it to safe battery? Or has it something to do with some keys? Sorry for not fully understanding your comment.

I think he is referring to blacklisting the hid_sensor_hub module to workaround the 12th Gen motherboard bug as documented here. That way, you sacrifice ambient light sensor to make the Brightness keys work (F7 & F8). Does that help?

PopOS bundles kernelstub to help you easily manage kernel options without having to do so manually in the bootloader you use.

Yep, Esscan has it. One could also go spelunking in the boot files as well but kernelstub has worked pretty well thus far.

The ambient light sensor freaked out in Fedora (as documented), too - so I’m not super sad to see it gone.

Don’t worry. I’m using the same solution and it works perfectly. It even survives kernel upgrades. So that’s another bonus.

Hey all, cross posting this here as I’m getting the notifications to update my DBX firmware on Pop Os but also a warning that I can’t use USBc power to do it? Did anyone try this, and was it fine to just proceed?

@Neal_Knight are you using a bluetooth mice/keyboard by any chance? I’ve enabled this but then realised my bluetooth mouse doesn’t work anymore (it connects but doesn’t do anything).

I’ve already tried removing and re-adding the mice, but since it doesn’t work, I’m guessing its down to blocking all external hid devices

Does anyone have the problem that with an external curved monitor connected by USB-C that the display from the framework laptop is lagging?
I use the following screen settings:

Furthermore, is there a solution that the fans are not so loud?
I am using Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS and the intel Core i7-1185G7 11th Gen

How specifically is this connected via USB C? Dock, adapter, is there DP or HDMI connecting somewhere along the line?

Since this is Pop OS, that means Xorg as the default. Let’s take a look at xrandr. From a terminal, please run xrandr and then copy/paste the results here please.

If you want to try Wayland on Pop.
Another consideration is to use Wayland (which will need to be enabled).

  • Enabled Wayland in sudo gedit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf by setting WaylandEnable=true
  • Save, reboot, choose your user by clicking on it like normal. Now look to the bottom right (after clicking onto your username see image).

Thanks, Wayland is working very well. Is Wayland at a point to replace XORG and is there a way to boot automaticaly in to Wayland?

So out of curiosity, I set my Wayland option as shown above. Logged in once. Then powered off. Power on, logged in. I was logged in using Wayland.

Once I set it once as above, it stuck as the default for me. Single boot, 12th gen, fully up to date Pop OS 22.04. So yes, it will default for you. :slight_smile:

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I used Wayland for awhile with Pop and really enjoyed it. But there are a few apps that haven’t caught up. Zoom in particular would not allow screen sharing while running Wayland. So I had to switch back. Looking forward to trying it again in a few months when perhaps things have caught up to it more.

Pop!_OS guide has been updated for 22.04.

New items added, including fingerprint reader login usage.


Thanks for the comprehensive guide!

It all worked, but there is one discrepancy I found with some of the keys - brightness and airplane mode keys are only registered as F keys in PopOS.

The rest are recognized, for example “Audio next” and F6 are registered separately.

What this results in is - I can’t select the brightness down key, but I can select F7. So I can only use the brightness feature while holding the fn key to hit F7.
To compare with Audio next, you can use the actual key and not fn+key to trigger F6.

I’m curious if anyone found a way to register the remaining keys?