[RESPONDED] I have been having an error while trying to dual boot bluefin

I am currently dual booting win 11 and fedora. I wanted to try bluefin because of the power optimisations for the framework.

While installing I keep getting this error message:

The following error occurred while installing the payload. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.
The command ‘ostree container image deploy --sysroot=/mnt/sysimage
–image=/run/install/repo/bluefin-dx-gts --transport=oci --no-signature-verification’ exited with the code 1.
it starting: /

I have completly deleted the fedora partition before try to install bluefin.

Hi @Wesley_Stagg ,

Have you tried checking if secure boot is still enabled in BIOS? that may need disabling.

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I just checked and secure boot is enabled. Would this only affect the installation of bluefin?

I have managed to install Fedora with no issues and I would expect it to work the same as it is based on Fedora.

You can leave secure boot on as its fully supported by the bluefin installer/anaconda installer.

The problem is that you have a dual boot setup which makes everything a touch harder.

Fedora Atomic (what bluefin is based aka Fedora silverblue) doesn’t really like extra bootloader entries.

So you would need atleast remove the old fedora bootloader entry from your EFI partition. I don’t know if Frameworks bios has an option to go to the boot menu and removing entries (just talking here with my lenovo that allows this from the boot order menu in BIOS).

Or you can boot an live cd of fedora for example and use efibootmgr command line interface to remove it.

Third option what you can try is from this bug report:

just make sure you change the /dev/sdaX entries in the command to reflect your nvme drive (usually something like /dev/nvmeXXXX), you can check the with lsblk for example

EDIT: I don’t think there is really any “power optimisations” with bluefin as they use the stuff from fedora like ppd etc so it should be pretty much the same than normal fedora workstation.

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That is interesting to know, thank you. Do you happen to know why you are able to select the hard ware type when downloading the Bluefin ISO and what the difference between each one one would be?

I mentioned power optimisations because someone had mentioned on reddit. Maybe not the best source of information!

Not sure why they have that “hardware selection” for and specific selection for Framework as the end ISO is exactly the same ISO that you download if you select “other laptop”.

All the FW “specific” stuff is in the main bluefin/bluefin-dx ISOs, only if you have a surface/asus laptop you will get a specific asus/surface ISO, and if you have nvidia gpu.

Don’t know why they still have that selection for the FW laptops as it doesn’t give you a specific Framework ISO anymore.