[RESPONDED] QEMU - Win11 Guest Recommendations/Instability

Hi, I recently set up a Win11 gues and am now having trouble with stability using QEMU on my Fedora 39 install. I have the FW13 Ryzen 5 7640U and am intending on running the VM to replace my need for a Dual Boot setup and my use cases will be for academic report writing using the MS 365 suite as well as Endnote, Teams and any other software I may need as a final year engineering student. I also may multitask with iTunes open to listen to some music.

I have set up the VM and have been reasonably happy with it however I have having an issue where it is crashing my entire laptop and causing a full reboot. It seems that after booting the VM, it runs for about 5min until I attempt to do something intensive. The fans then ramp up and shortly after, the Fedora host does a full reboot.

I have played will a number of vcpu/core/thread passthrough configurations, including 8v/4c/2t and 6v/3c/2t as I am trying to maximise the performance of the guest. I do not intend to use the host (much) while the guest is running.

I am wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this issue so I can guarantee system stability while relying on my Win11 guest for uni work this year. Cheers!

Be aware that Windows 11 GUI will be rendered by your CPU as libvirt can’t share your GPU between host and guest. Also, it’s a fallacy that you can starve the host for better guest performance - the host is where virtualization happens. I suggest these two items are why you are having instability in the host system.

There are also many questions here ! Are you using VirtIO drivers?

Is there some reason you are not using a Win10 VM? Win10 can run on next to nothing.

Also, have you installed things like spice-guest-tools in the guest?


You might also consider running your music and Teams on the host…?

When I run a Windows VM for compatibility, I am usually in and out of 365 or whatever I need, I don’t do anything else (and have all the eye candy in Windows turned off except font antialiasing)

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Nothing to add per se as @SoldierSvejk has provided what the overall best option is likely going to be.