[RESPONDED] Ubuntu 22 brightness keys not working

Sorry it’s taken a while to reply - thanks @Matt_Hartley, the Ubuntu guide helped and it’s all working now. (I’m using LinuxMint, which is Ubuntu-based.)


Yay! Delighted to hear it! :slight_smile:

Hey Matt

I just tried this and got this, and some other lines, in Terminal:

(gedit:12890): dconf-WARNING **: 16:48:20.095: failed to commit changes to dconf: Failed to execute child process “dbus-launch” (No such file or directory)

Can you elaborate what exactly was pasted in? Which part and which code from the guide was pasted?

The line instructed - copied and pasted as shown

Looks like that come from a forum post vs the official guide. For 12th gen with Ubuntu 22.04, please open a terminal and paste as follows:

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

then on the line with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash”

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash module_blacklist=hid_sensor_hub"

Save the file. Close the text editor.

Back in a terminal:

sudo update-grub

Then reboot.

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Hey @Matt_Hartley i am dual booting acer niro 5 along side windows 11 with kubuntu 22.04

  • my display brightness and bluetooth are not working, the display brightness worked before i ran apt upgrade. but now the widget is there but doesnt respond anymore.
  • i tried your steps above but nothing changed i got the following out put when i ran sudo update-initramfs -u. I hope you can guide me to fix this. Many thanks in advance!!
sudo update-initramfs -u
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.19.0-40-generic
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/ip_discovery.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/vega10_cap.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/sienna_cichlid_cap.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/navi12_cap.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/aldebaran_cap.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/gc_11_0_0_toc.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/sienna_cichlid_mes1.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/sienna_cichlid_mes.bin for module amdgpu
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/navi10_mes.bin for module amdgpu

ohh sorry just realized this forum is specific to “framework”, just saw your video very cool modular product, i just bought an acer so have to deal with it

Yeah, we’re Framework exclusively here. Wish I could help, might be worth asking with your details on the forums at Community | Kubuntu

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Hey Matt_Hartley,

I just got my framework laptop last week and I’m having the same issue but on Fedora. i tried the /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf method but that didnt work for me. is there a different directory/ command for Fedora?

Kind regards, Paul

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Just a heads up, this is not vetted method by me or from our guide. Assuming Fedora 38: Fedora 38 Installation on the Framework Laptop 13 - Framework Guides

From that link above: Fedora 38 Installation on the Framework Laptop 13 - Framework Guides

Always, always check our guides and our knowledgebase first. Then if it’s not something we have provided there, then check the forums. :slight_smile:

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does blacklisting hid_sensor_hub have any side effects? Surely there is a reason this hid-sensor/libinput device wants to be an hid sensor?

Just here to say that this works also on Debian bookworm. Thanks!

It allows you to use your brightness keys, but it does mean auto-brightness will not work. Being in manual control of your brightness is more pleasant as you’re in the driver’s seat.

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This worked for me as well.

Ubuntu 23.04 with 13th Gen Intel

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@Matt_Hartley I’m a relative Linux newb, and have really enjoyed using pop!OS so far. I just tried to follow your instructions for fixing my brightness function keys, and discovered that pop!OS uses systemd for bootloading and not GRUB, at least for EFI installs. Not sure if I got all the nuances correct there, but suffice to say: I don’t have the GRUB file you reference. I do have systemd “stuff” but I’m at a loss as to which config file I should be looking in to update.

Any ideas?

Edited to add: I filed a Support request for this as well, so if you see this on both sides, my apologies. It’s just that I feel that this is so close to fixing my problem.

I found a Reddit post that addressed this issue exactly, but it didn’t work for me. At the top of that thread, the OP says he used the terminal command:

sudo kernelstub -a blacklist_module=hid_sensor_hub

and that it fixed his problem. When I did that, nothing changed, even after rebooting.


While we don’t have support docs for POP anymore, you’ll want to use kernelstub.

kernelstub - a "blacklist hid_sensor_hub"

As shown in Kernelstub Usage - System76 Support


sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf

blacklist hid_sensor_hub

Save, close gedit, run:

sudo update-initramfs -u

For additional support, we recommend using one of our officially supported distros listed here.

Thanks so much for that - I guess I didn’t realize that you weren’t still supporting pop. Sorry for the trouble! I like pop best of all the distros I’ve tried so far, so I’ll stick with that. I just was surprised that swapping the motherboard caused some keys to stop working was all.

Final edit:
Was finally able to get the fix working by doing both of the following, after reading a bit about kernelstub on the official Github readme.

sudo kernelstub -a "blacklist hid_sensor_hub"
sudo kernelstub -l

Thanks again to everyone.


@Matt_Harley I have tried every above post to fix the brightness issue, but none of them worked for my computer. I am currently running Dual operating systems for Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (mainly using ubuntu)


Welcome to the community! Sounds like you’re on Ubuntu, I cannot speak to Windows as the Linux Support Lead. However, I want to make sure you’re following the guide specifically.

So this behavior is happening on Windows as well? With the Framework driver pack installed?