[RESPONDED] Waking from suspend w/ lid closed

It has been quite some time since I last reported my experience in this thread.
Good news: since I applied “the two noticeable changes in my habits” (cf my previous message), my Framework 16 laptop successfully wakes up from s2idle sleep every time.
Of course, it is also possible that something was fixed by a kernel update (the laptop runs Debian Sid).

Bad news: I experienced the lid-hitting-the-keyboard-or-touchpad issue multiple times, both at home when the cat walks on the laptop (cat-proofing is the next step after dog-fooding) and when traveling. Regarding the latter, system logs confirm the laptop typically wakes up when I start walking. Depending on how long I walk and what is running on my laptop, it may or may not be burning hot when I finally take it out of my bagpack.
I intend to investigate whether I can configure the exact kind of events that wake up my system so as to work around that issue, but a firmware update that ignores all Framework input modules when the lid is closed would make sense.


Modifying my cheesy little script to account for lid state and multiple keyboards is left as an exercise for the reader

The script below targets USB and i2c devices so as to disable wakeup only for devices known to sit under the lid – the regex can probably be further adjusted to account for devices I do not own.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# Framework keyboard and numpad should not wake the laptop:
grep -l 'Framework' /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/manufacturer |\
	sed 's/manufacturer$/product/' |\
	xargs grep -lP 'Laptop 16 (Keyboard|Numpad) Module' |\
	sed 's/product$//' |\
	while read -r framework_keyboard_device;
	echo "${state}" > "${framework_keyboard_device}/power/wakeup"

# The PixArt touchpad should not wake the laptop:
for pixart_device in /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-PIXA*; do
	echo "${state}" > "${pixart_device}/power/wakeup"

Here’s a systemd unit to run that script on boot for those wanting to quickly add it to their system:

Description=Prevents keyboard and trackpad from waking machine while lid is closed by calling /etc/disable-wakeup.sh



To add it, copy the above unit file and run:

sudoedit /etc/systemd/system/disable-wakeup.service

Paste the text. Save and exit your editor.

Copy Xavier’s script and run:

sudoedit /etc/disable-wakeup.sh

Paste the text. Save and exit your editor.

Then run these commands to “install” the new service:

sudo chmod a+x /etc/disable-wakeup.sh
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now disable-wakeup.service
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@Peter_J_Stewart: nice – although, on my side, I simply dropped my script in /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/20-disable-wakeup.sh, as hinted by @Victor_Lowther. It seems there is no documented /etc counterpart to that /usr directory.

Additionally, since we are discussing scripts and workaround, here is my cat-proof script for Linux+X.org: it runs unprivileged but requires the DISPLAY environment to be set. Otherly put, it must be launched as part of the X session (possibly via XDG autostart). It polls the lid state and enables/disables all input devices underneath accordingly. That way, my cat can walk on the laptop without inputting anything.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

'Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI Keyboard'
'Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module Keyboard'
'keyboard:Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module Consumer Control'
'PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Mouse'
'PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad'

script_name=$(basename "$0")
if [ ! -f "${device_id_file}" ]; then
	for device in "${DEVICES[@]}"; do
		xinput list --id-only "${device}"
	done > "${device_id_file}"


function get_state {
	[[ "$(</proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state)" =~ open ]] && current_state='open' || current_state='closed'

function state_changed {
	[ "${known_state}" == 'open' ] && action='enable' || action='disable'
	adjust_devices "${action}"

function adjust_devices {
	local action="$1"
	xargs -n 1 xinput "${action}" < "${device_id_file}"

function update_state {
	if [ "${current_state}" != "${known_state}" ]; then

function watch_state {
	while sleep 5; do

if [ "$1" ]; then
	adjust_devices "${1}"

Damn. My FW16 failed to wake up from suspend again.
I noticed it was not entirely bricked though:

  • the power button was still blinking
  • upon removal of the touchpad, the small LED on the right side of the laptop started blinking red-blue-off, red-blue-off – presumably, the firmware was still reacting to that kind of events.
    At this stage, I am running Debian Sid’s 6.10.12 kernel.

I recently installed Fedora 41 KDE and I like it so far, but I’ve noticed that since then, sometimes the laptop comes on inside my bag and bakes itself. It only seems to have started after I installed Linux, as it never did this when I was primarily using Windows. The odd part of it is that when I notice this happening and open it up, it doesn’t seem to actually be doing much of anything, i.e. it’s not at the login screen or anything, and I have to hold down the power button to force it to actually shut down from this state.

I’m honestly rather new to Linux in general, so I’m not sure how I would go about fixing this issue or even figuring out why it’s doing this. In the normal system settings there doesn’t seem to be any sort of “wake on keyboard” option, and I generally use the “shut down” option in the launcher anyway so I expect that it should only come back on with the power button, but for some reason it’s doing this behavior.

As far as I know I have the most recent BIOS as well, and I didn’t see any sort of relevant option there either, as far as I could tell.

Thanks in advance!

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Please search the forums before opening a new thread first. :wink:
This issue has been discussed and solutions presented in this thread.

Thanks! I did try to search but must have missed this.

As many people have posted, this is an issue that is critical to fix— if the lid is closed the keyboard and touchpad should be powered down and absolutely should not wake up the machine. Requiring that the laptop lid be opened and the power button pressed to wake up would be much safer. Those who desire peripherals to wake the laptop should be the ones looking for workarounds here, not those of us who don’t want our laptops to drain their battery and possibly cause damage to the system. This is an issue that needs to be disclosed and addressed.

Wake-up in transit happens repeatedly and as mentioned in this issue and elsewhere can result in the laptop being stuck not-asleep and not-awake, with the only recourse being holding down the power button to turn it off.

That said i’d be thrilled if someone could adapt Victor_Lowther’s script workaround for NixOS; or perhaps as Ryan_McGee mentioned in May, there could be udev rules for both the keyboard and also the trackpad?


Nerd-snipe accepted.

This over-engineered NixOS module (git+https://codeberg.org/amyp/lappy-nix.git?ref=main#nixosModules.framework-lid-workaround if you’re into flakes) adds a hardware.framework.wakeOnInput option to control when input modules are allowed to wake the system.

I tried to get the best of all the solutions I’ve seen: udev is used for detection, so the script should work with multiple keyboard-like input modules (I don’t have anything other than the ANSI keyboard module to test with), no matter which positions they’re installed into; it should handle the keyboards on Laptop 16 and Laptop 13 (I don’t have a 13 to test with); it should handle the touchpads on both as well; and it should be much more specific about which devices are blocked, so e.g. external keyboards can still wake the laptop. I didn’t block the power button–is it really possible to press it with the lid closed?

Something that I haven’t seen in other people’s scripts: wakeOnInput = "lid-open" allows the keyboard/touchpad to wake the system, but only if the lid was open when the system suspended. It’s not as reliable as a proper firmware solution would be (e.g. supending then closing the lid will still allow keyboard/touchpad to wake the system, and that can’t really be fixed), but I wanted to see how well it would work for me.

If this seems like something others are interested in, I’d love to get some feedback and land it in nixos-hardware.


@Kieran_Levin do you maybe any update?

We are planning on changing this in our next bios update cycle early next year. but this will have to be coordinated with a keyboard firmware update as well.

The current plan is to change the hardware GPIO sleep pin going to the keyboard to indicate lid closed. Then we can disable all keyboard presses when the lid is closed.
This will have an EC+Keyboard firmware change to support the new behavior.


Great news @Kieran_Levin ! Happy to see an out of the box solution

Very thanks for the update

can you capture the cause of wake? if one can detect that a keyboard input is what woke the system, and that the lid is closed, it seems it should be plausible to immediately re-suspend (and ignore further keyboard input thereafter)

I thought about that, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. It seems like the cause of the wake should be recorded somewhere, but I don’t know where or how to get to it.

I would like to add to this post an additional issue I have experienced. While I do not have any issues with the sleep and keyboard waking, I have an issue with my RGB backlight. Whenever the system wakes, the RGB backlight will never come on unless I take the trackpad off to trigger the interlock to reset. I have power/wakeup disabled which causes the issue. If I disable the script it works fine since the keyboard backlight never turns off in the first place. I am wondering if there is somewhere I can modify this in my systemd-suspend settings.

Really looking forward for this! The self-wakeup during transport of FW16 due to soooo thin display pushing keys is one of the two major issues I have with otherwise great laptop.

Maybe you can add an option to the BIOS to wake up by 1) any key (current default) or 2) power button only?

Regarding the keyboard GPIO sleep.
When one removes the touchpad, it seems like the keyboard has power removed. What is the process for that. Is the power pin being removed by the EC, or is it some other mechanism.
Or is the current hardware GPIO doing the power off?


This is for those wishing to change default out of the box suspend behavior. Default behavior is unchanged unless you opt to change it.

This is by no means a “fix” - this will be addressed correctly in a future BIOS release.

However, this is what I have put together and for Framework Laptop 16, based on my testing it will work reliably on Fedora and Ubuntu LTS.

Untested elsewhere. If the paths match, should be fine.


Feel free to give this a run through. I have tested it on three separate Framework Laptop 16s (UMA and dGPU installed)

Yes, there are a hundred ways to do this - if you have another approach, please use it if you want…I happened to settle on this one as it works and works reliably in my testing.

Being clear, this is tested against fresh, unfettered installs of Ubuntu LTS and Fedora, fully updated.

What to expect:

  • Suspend Behavior: The laptop can still enter suspend mode when the lid is closed.
  • Resume Behavior: The laptop can be brought out of suspend using the power button.
  • Disabled Wakeup Events: Keyboard and touchpad presses, as well as lifting the lid, will no longer wake the system, ensuring the system only resumes through intentional user interaction (e.g., the power button).