RMA process broken for RAM

Hi! I bought a DIY 12th gen that I received recently, and have been having issues with the support provided by Framework regarding the RAM. I bought a 32 Gb kit with my order, and received Crucial RAM. Unfortunately, one of the stick is really bad, memtest is not even able to complete.

I contacted support for an RMA, and they redirected me to Crucial’s website for the returns. I filled out the form online and the next business day I received an email from Crucial asking (understandably) for a proof of purchase. The real problems started there.

Framework does not currently provide an invoice, just a shipping email containing some details on your order. I sent that to Crucial and they did not accept it. I contacted support again asking for an invoice. I got an helpful person create a manual invoice and send it to me. However, that invoice, as with all the documents provided by Framework, do not even mention that the RAM is from Crucial, let alone other specifics like model numbers. Crucial again refused that proof of purchase, asking for something more specific.

I wrote again to support, asking for the invoice to mention the brand and model number of the RAM they shipped me. I got a quick response saying they cannot customize the invoice, and to open an RMA request on Crucial’s website, which I already did.

At this point, I am completely stuck because of Framework’s refusal to provide a proof of purchase that will be accepted by Crucial.

For anybody reading this and considering buying a DIY edition, go ahead, I love the laptop. But, please buy your SSD and memory somewhere else where you will be able to get real support.

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Did you make sure to explain why you were asking support for the invoice? it is likely that they could contact crucial or give you some form of documentation that crucial would accept other than an invoice for the laptop, as they did purchase the RAM from crucial at some point. If you did explain the full situation, hopefully someone from support will see this post and be able to provide more help to you.

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Heya! :wave: - Welcome to the forum.

Try reaching out to Framework support again with a link to this thread. Some things might not have been communicated, leaving both support channels unknowing what to do.

You described your issue amazingly here and I’m sure they’ll catch on to what’s happening and help you with your RMA!

Hope this helps, good luck! :relaxed:


I would have thought that as you bought from Framework they would issue and RMA and deal with it. ?? Passing the buck to Crucial may have been an attempt at speeding up the process, if they didn’t have any as stock.

Maybe they don’t keep stock and just order from Crucial for each customer but still I would expect them to deal with it first hand than pass that responsibilith to you :slightly_frowning_face:

In my last email to support, I pretty much described the issue as I described it here. I also attached the email thread I have with Crucial. The last reply I got they asked me to recontact Crucial and provide them with a screenshot from Framework’s system that contains a single serial number under the Memory section and a picture of my RAM. The serial number in question is not anywhere on the DIMMs or the packaging, and I only have a single serial number for 2 DIMMs.

I sent the screenshot to Crucial anyway mentioning the serial number and I am waiting for their response. I will update here how this goes.

@Cheese Thanks for the tips, I will definitely try this after I get a reply from Crucial if it is not fixed.

@amoun At first I expected Framework to do the RMA also, but since they are just reselling the RAM, I don’t really have a problem with them delegating to Crucial. The process with Crucial looks simple overall. The only problem is that Framework is not providing a proof of purchase good enough for Crucial.


It’s kinda weird that you can’t just RMA the ram to framework. I guess that’s a downside for offering a DIY edition!

Hope it works out, usually does - No worries! :orange_heart:

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Ah, so when it comes to the SSD and RAM purchased from Framework on the DIY side of things…Framework is just a reseller. To me then, it would make sense to just purchase the RAM and SSD from any reseller who has the best price / availability / shopping & return experience then.

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Well, Crucial again came back to me that the screenshot is not a valid proof of purchase “as it does not have any vital information like description of the memory, the brand, the storage capacity or the part number”.

I opened a new support request with Framework, explaining the issue and linking to this thread. I asked to return the memory if they cannot provide the required invoice, as I received the laptop only 2 weeks ago.

Hopefully they do provide me the correct invoice. I could get memory for cheaper locally, but I am happy to encourage Framework as I believe in their mission, but this inadequate support is leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

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At the very least…UPC code and description.

Framework needs to step up as a reseller. (Not just for RAM, but SSD and Windows license invoicing)

I have some updates on this whole saga. First of all, the second ticket to Framework ticket got escalated, and I was provided a proper invoice. It was accepted by Crucial and I got my RMA number. I have now shipped the defective RAM and should be shipped a replacement when it gets to Crucial. :smile:

Also, Framework has informed me that they would discuss with Crucial, and after they did, they also informed me that they would change the process for DRAM support during the first year of warranty, and would handle it themselves. I already went with the Crucial process however, so will not be experiencing this process.

So in the end, kudos to Framework for using the opportunity to improve their process, and hopefully anybody that has the bad luck to get defective RAM will have a much better experience.

Thank you all for your suggestions!


This is lovely~

Thank you for documenting it so well for both FW and us! Now everyone that has RAM issues will have a better experience in the future handling it with support directly. :blush: