Shipping dates FW 16

You will get your 100$ refund.

You did need to register to AMD and activate your steam key through this. I rekon the AMD key is linked to your preorder and steam can probably link the same AMD key to their steam key and thus your game key.
So if you cancel they either do nothing and let you have the game for free (which i dont think so) or they will invalid your steam key through the aforementioned relationship.

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Neither. Your refund will be lowered by the games worth.
So the 100$ you prepaid minus the 99.99$ the premium edition is worth gives you 0.01$ refund.

They are not stupid and let you play for free for months.

hope you are being sarcastic.

Am not, can’t find the link though. But how would you expect it to work instead?

Ask support.

Here is the link [RESPONDED] Doubt starfield premium framework 16 amd - #47 by Akanar

I don’t think @Akanar is a Framework employee and I assume that post is pure speculation.


As are all other posts about it. So unless someone tries amd reports back, we’ll never know

Has anyone received news as to when will Batch 1 ship? Seems like early October wont be the case.

I still insist that it would be really nice if Framework would just send an update to all people that preordered. Even a “things are doing okay, we expect to start shipping in about a month”.


I still think even that is asking too much. They seem to be in development up until the day they box up a product, and until then there’s no knowing what might pop up to create a delay. Like they’re building a plane as it’s trying to take off, on a runway as long as our patience (which is not to be underestimated. Let’s be honest, we’ll wait). I take the fact that the Deep Dives have gone quiet to be due to the fact that those components simply aren’t finalized yet, and those are major components. They’re still trying to bolt the wings on without dropping another wrench.

It’s just too unpredictable. It’s not like Dell who has an established process with a timeline for everything cuz they’ve been making the same damn thing for 40 years with a global infrastructure behind them. This is a young company building a relatively unique product mostly from scratch. I do not envy their work day.


I think that would only be possible after they have concluded the early waves of AMD FW 13 shipments would should be accumulating in their factory/warehouses right now, and going out over the next few weeks. I could of course be wrong of course if they have separate manufacturing/assembly lines for each.

As for my batch one order submitted on the first day - it simply says what has already been pasted above

“Free Shipping Batch 1 - Ships Q4”
“Estimated delivery date Ships Q4”

From the same day:
As always, we’re following a batch ordering system, with the first batches shipping in Q4 2023.

I would love for them to finalize the documentation around RAM compatibility (last updated in July with express mention of forthcoming update) so I can compare and possibly order/receive the 3rd party sticks (assuming I do not keep the FW branded modules from my pre-order) ahead of receiving the FW16.

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Hey i know its not 100% safe that they will work but all of those shuld work.

I wouldnt say that, I think you cant be at max, 2 months til launch and still not be finalized components wise, youre playing a dangerous game there, especially since most of there componants are clear on the buy now page, and given that in preview videos, people had said “There is only one thing that needs changing” in regards to the build.

I think those pages just havent been writain up because theres a lot of other things that need to be sorted out and focused on during this rush of product launches.

Well, look at the AMD 13 and its issues. They only just announced the board was ready for production earlier this month, and batch 1 was supposed to ship Q3 (5 days left, I guess!). The delay between preorder and shipping wasn’t because they were building up stock. When you think about how many things can go wrong on a computer and how much of it can be out of their control, then think about how little time you have to develop a computer before its components are obsolete, and there is so little room for error, yet such a high likelihood of it! Seriously, I’d love to just spend a week in their offices. It must be nuts.

Perhaps, but to get a little more conspiratorial, they’ve got the resources to launch a youtube series and write other blogs, but no one can write a summary on the connectors? There’s gotta be another reason other than lack of personnel. Unless…they just don’t want us to know…:male_detective:

And I think they are. And have to. I think they’re doing a great job of it considering the complexity of building a computer from scratch, but yeah, building a company like this is hard!

They will definitely let us know. But as everything said by Framework Members is considered correct. So to avoid giving wrong informations, they will test, fix and double check everything before publishing anything (including information) to avoid problems later on like the power draw issues on the adapter cards. Even it means doing at the last minute.

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I’m debating whether or not to buy RAM outside of Framework because RAM prices for them haven’t effectively reflected the lower prices for things like SSDs. I’m hoping we get more detailed RAM info.

Because I can get the exact same SSD as in their spec sheet, I got an SSD myself, but the RAM issue is quite a mess. Have had too many issues with mismatched RAM in the past, so I’m paying the premium so they can test it for me.

Plus, I can put the SSD in my current system, I can’t put the RAM in there, so if I buy the RAM now, and get the notebook in a few months and there’s a problem with it I’m well past the “no-quibble” time period, so it basically becomes a sunk cost at that time.

Even though I could save by buying the RAM myself, that’s a max 5% saving of the device cost for a potential performance/compatibility issue in the future. My time is worth more than that to me.

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In my case, buying 64GB of equivalent ram is probably a 40% savings so I went that route. And I’ll just test it in my wife’s ddr5 laptop to verify it’s good.

And we are officially in Q4 at the moment.

I am a batch 5 so i will have to wait till at least december but I am very curious about when the first laptops will be shipped.


I’ve just ordered my batch 12, which is the last Q1, so should arrive just in time for my birthday … :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: