Shipping dates FW 16

If the payment is denyed, I believe you have a grace period before Framework will attempt to collect again, then they cancel the order. You should definitely contact support to confirm ahead of time, but I believe that in this case they will attempt to charge the payment method a second time after you’ve had the chance to confirm it with your bank.

You could also attempt to contact your bank when you get the message that Framework is going to charge your card in order to attempt to pre-approve the charge on your bank’s side. This would depend on your bank allowing that kind of pre-approval though.


Some people don’t use “Credit Cards”. I personally only use Debit cards. If I don’t have the funds for something, I don’t buy it. Period. And that is a very healthy budget management.
So I’d need to have at least a little notification for when payment is due.

Another poster had mentioned there are 3 emails after the pre-order confimration email:

  • An email informing you that your batch is going to be processed soon. This gives you the opportunity to make sure you have enough balance/credit limit in your payment method, and if needed, update it.

  • An email after your payment is made, that your order is about to be processed now. Which I am assuming is just before they start to assemble your laptop.

  • A final email with the shipping confirmation and tracking information.

Assuming about 2 weeks from the time they inform you about the batch production start and the shipping confirmation, I hope the Batch 1 customers will be getting those emails in mid to late September. Anything later than that will probably hint towards some production issues and delays.

Fingers crossed as I am in Batch 3 and need it ASAP for my studies.


Honestly I feel that, not studies, but Ive got so many projects in my head that are making no progress because Ive recently moved, and have no proper set up.

When i was in my flat my desktop was in the front room, and I did everyrhing from there, now I have it in a room which needs the entire floor and decerated, and new desk, etc.

I really want this laptop so I can do some of these projects from the comfort of my front room, from at cafes and at other peoplws places!

But honestly the fact that Im stuck even when Im home is what makes me desire it the most.

I didn’t say anything about a credit card. And PhoenixLandPirate didn’t say anything about a lack of funds.
I agree with you on credit and budgets, I don’t use money I don’t have.

I see the discussion is diverting to something else, let’s keep it about shipping dates!

I hope to receive an email soon with some general updates. Would be nice to see some official information, even if it’s just “we will begin shipping around mid Q4 if everything works out”.

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Does someone know what is the last batch that ship’s out this year?

I’d be happy with another deep dive.

Seriously. What happened there? Did whoever writes those get transferred to assembly? Maybe they’re still making last-minute changes to those components? Hopefully we get another one soon.


Sorry one last thing I wanted to add, according to the FW preorder policy:

We will attempt to charge the remainder of the purchase price and other costs to your payment method on file when your Product is ready to ship. If we are unable to process the payment, we will attempt to contact you via your Contact Information. If you do not complete your Order by updating your payment method and paying the full remainder due within 30 days, Framework may, at its sole discretion, provide you a full refund of the deposit, or continue to attempt to contact you via your Contact Information. Framework will make reasonable efforts to contact you to provide a refund after that 30-day period, but if Framework does not receive a response from you within 90 days of our initial request to complete your Order, or if Framework is not able to process your refund after that 30-day period (for example, due to a cancelled credit card), then Framework will treat the amount that you paid as unclaimed property in accordance with applicable law.


There has never been a set schedule on them. More than likely, the last two will go out closer to the time of shipping if I had to guess.

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Batch 1, most recent ETA was Q4. I’m hoping for October given just how many other batches were also given a Q4 ETA (assuming manufacturing runs loosely correspond to the assigned batch moniker), but that is pure conjecture on my part.

No additional communication from the company thus far, but if I receive any email from Framework denoting timeline I will follow up here.

This is all I know …

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I was also wondering that. I didn’t get to take screenshot during ordering because of how fast the batch numbers were changing, and am curious if Batch 1 and 2 mentioned “Early Q4”, because mine is batch 3 and says “Late Q4”, while Even batch 11 so far is estimated for Q1 next year.

The batches aren’t evenly spaced, after getting such a huge number of pre-orders, Framework made arrangements to ramp up production, seems Q1 is as soon as that can happen though. So we have a couple batches aiming for Q4, and a ton for Q1.

The currently open pre-order batch will ship in Q1 2024, and we’re working with our suppliers to ensure we have the production capacity to avoid pre-order timing going deeper into 2024.


as far as i remember that “current” batch was Batch 5 and (also just from my memory) the last batch to supposedly ship in 2023 was 3 or maybe 4

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I recall batch 5 as being 2023q4. batch 6 the first for 2023q1. batch5 I saw from work and was still q4. couple hours later when I went on to order from my personal was on batch6 and q1.


Batch 1 and 2 only say Q4


Batch 6 already shipped?! :scream: :wink:


No. Framework Laptop 16 has not begun shipping at all yet.