Shipping dates FW 16

I’m batch 1, I will send a reply once I hear anything from them!

I did reach out to support last week some time about ship dates, this was their response:


Thanks for posting the information from support. It clears it up a bit on what to expect :slight_smile:

so is that generally like first week? it’s October 2nd so I just want to know if I should still hold out hope for October or just accept that my Batch 1 order will at least be next month lol

I’d say it’s ok to hope, but maybe not to expect. Production is probably still scrambling to catch up with the AMD 13 orders, so even if everything has gone to plan with the 16 (which I doubt, cuz when does that ever happen?), I think there’s a fair chance for at least a slight delay.

Still, I’m in batch 3 and as much as I’m trying to temper expectations, I’m also fully allowing myself to get as excited as a kid on the longest Christmas Eve ever. It’s here! Q4! Sing your favorite Q4 songs, make some Q4 cookies, and get ready cuz soon we’ll all hopefully be sprawled out on the floor basking in the glow of a 16" screen. The anticipation is always the most exciting part, might as well try and enjoy it!


FW16 batch 1 emails will likely go out early next month and then shipping considering we haven’t had the final two deep dives so the internal design isn’t likely completed and ready for production.


Reached out to Framework Support for clarification on the shipping timeline for the FW16, Batch 1. Here’s their response:

Based on this, first batch won’t be shipping in October but rather late in Q4 2023. Likely a shipping window of November or December.


Didn’t they say there was a month between when you get notified and when it ships so you had time to cancel if you wanted?

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Welcome to the community!

I don’t think it’s normally a full month, but there should be an email notifying you that they are preparing to ship your batch. After that, you should have a period of time before you are charged the remaining amount due and it will ship shortly after that.

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Going back to 1981 in the uk. There was a company called acorn computers. Which was launching the bbc micro in two months time. For a great price of 325.00 pounds if you pre order now. Four months later no sign of them. But the price had to go up to 399.99 pounds. Which was not good the new orders. 3 moths later so we now talking about late November time they stated shipping them out. They soon found a found in the os rom chip. So they gave them the updated version if they were eprom and not rom chips. By march 1982 all orders were up to date and the lastest os was in them. With a new basic rom. Acorn sold most computers to the schools and home market for 1982 to 1983 selling over 100 thousand. It was best 1mhz 32k computer on the market. Which with a 2nd procester fitted made it 2mz computer which was the cheapest computer at the time. If you wanted a faster one ibm did one for only 2000.00 pounds.
So I know they are doing the best to give you best product they can.


Now that company is mostly known for licensing their IP designs… Just a small company … Acorn RISC Machine/ Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) …


Am in batch 12 God knows when we will get it :frowning: if Batch 1 dudes have not go their laptops yet nor even mail from them . lol. i think framework should pause on FW13 orders and should deliver FW16 for now then later they can handle both. also anyone have idea how many participants are in single Batch ?

I doubt that would help much. They likely have different teams or at least different times allocated for the different machines. If they stop shipping FW13s, they’d likely just sit and wait for more inventory to show up :smiley: And since they haven’t started shipping them yet, they might not be done with all the certifications and software tests, that they need to run.

If you are in the 12th batch, your laptop will likely arrive in March next year, as the 13th batch ships in Q2.

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also i have configure my FW16 laptop without ram and SSDs as their prices are decreasing with time so in March they might be more cheaper and am sure you batch 1 guys will give us feedback on 3rd party RAM module compatibility :slight_smile: lol


Same. Yeah it’s a bit of a gamble, but there are so few RAM kits available right now so how wrong can I be? I just ordered the G.Skill 64GB 5600 kit that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen someone else mention on here, so I’ll certainly report back on how that runs once Batch 3 ships.

By the time you get yours, even if there are more kits available by then, there will probably be reports on all of them, so you should be in a really good position to choose and score a good deal. Hang in there!


Given they’re likely being worked on by different teams, I can’t see that helping. No point being impatient, they’ll ship when they’re ready.

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They were clear on timeframe from the start, I don’t think this is neccessary and it would be very detrimental to their bottom line. They wouldn’t be getting much in the way of income save for the entirely refundable $100 deposit for the 16.

I do understand the frustration though. Waiting for something you’re excited for can be hard, as I understand. I’ll be waiting to order myself until after the first set arrives to see if any issues arise like with the 13. Seeing the dates go further back on shipment the longer I wait to order has been giving me some serious fomo lol. I’m glad that they’ve been transparent though


We literally are 5 days into Q4 … I think they have a bit of leeway…

Batch 1 and 2 are Q4 2023… Which goes from October 1st through December 31st…


6 in east Asia! Let’s gooooooo! Hurry uuuuuuuup!

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As are batches 3 & 4.

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Here are the initial declared ship dates for the FW13.

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