Shipping dates FW 16

Given they’re likely being worked on by different teams, I can’t see that helping. No point being impatient, they’ll ship when they’re ready.

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They were clear on timeframe from the start, I don’t think this is neccessary and it would be very detrimental to their bottom line. They wouldn’t be getting much in the way of income save for the entirely refundable $100 deposit for the 16.

I do understand the frustration though. Waiting for something you’re excited for can be hard, as I understand. I’ll be waiting to order myself until after the first set arrives to see if any issues arise like with the 13. Seeing the dates go further back on shipment the longer I wait to order has been giving me some serious fomo lol. I’m glad that they’ve been transparent though


We literally are 5 days into Q4 … I think they have a bit of leeway…

Batch 1 and 2 are Q4 2023… Which goes from October 1st through December 31st…


6 in east Asia! Let’s gooooooo! Hurry uuuuuuuup!

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As are batches 3 & 4.

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Here are the initial declared ship dates for the FW13.

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It is not guaranteed to be precise and will most probably fluctuate and change.

Assuming it is somewhat accurate, and if 3-5 is late Q4, I recon the batches will be bi weekly for the first few batches, so working backwards.

Dec Friday 29th batch 5
Dec Friday 15th batch 4
Dec Friday 01th batch 3
Nov Friday 17th batch 2
Nov Friday 10th batch 1

Those would have to be the latest dates.

However, the plan could be to do them weekly, or they could staet with batch 1+2 bi weekly then 3 4 5 weekly, they could all be behind schedual, and batch 4+5 might even slip into Q1.

I think tomorrow is the last day they could inform us that they are going to send up FW16 for this month, given whats been said above, but maybe theyll give us a week or twos notice instead of 3+ weeks.

All speculative.

But if they have 2 batches as late q4 then surely october would be “early q4” which means ultimately means we’ll porbably see them early to mid november.


That a good timeline. However, since Framework support is saying the first FW16 batch will be towards late Q4, I am expecting other batches to get pushed to Q1.

Nonetheless, any kind of update would be great since it has been a while. I rather have a stable first gen device that takes longer to ship than something that is rushed and issue plagued. But hopefully no news means good news :slight_smile:

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Yeah I feel that, when I get it, i want it to be my device for years!

My main thing is that my situation currently means I pretry much just have my phone and steam deck as usable machines, hopefully within the next 3 weeks that will change and my desktop will be back up.

Even when thats sorted Ill still be dead excited to get the framework, Ive been living a pho-laptop life for a few years now and its been fine, but when Im desktopless as well, its really easy to see what Im missing without a proper laptop.

My situation will go from “Damn I wish I could do this, but I have to do x y z to maybe sorta do it with my limitations” to “Huh, I can do this, but woukdnt it be nice if I could do this in the front room, or when I visit family”?!

But yes, quality over speed, but both would be nice, especially if they could sneakily get me in before the 27th of this month :wink:


Good luck, I’m in Batch 1 FW 13 AMD, and the order said early q3 at first, became q3, and now we are entering week 3 of q4 and many still have yet to see charge to their accounts. So take those timelines with a huge grain of salt, as they could be up to an entire quarter off.

Considering they will have most of the foundational work for getting AMD integrated into the framework ecosystem, and a sole focus on AMD in the FW 16 to begin with, it may go much quicker.

I hope they can nail those timelines that they’ve put out, but as of now, I don’t see it happening. Been waiting a little over 200 days now on the FW 13 preorder, so like I said, good luck!

Update: They charged and shipped this early q3 batch in early q4, members of batch 1 should all have their laptops by the end of the week it seems

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It has been 3 months to the day since FW published a “deep dive” blog on the FW16 components.

I don’t imagine that was the plan all along, especially since these subsystems are most likely to be developed or nearly finalized “enough” to the point where a mostly surface level blog post would be possible.

  • Connectors (coming soon)
  • Keyboard (coming soon)
  • Expansion Bay System (coming soon)

I’m fine with a delay to knock out major issues (given that such was required on the AMD FW13) but it’s possible, based on that AMD precedent, that we aren’t notified until it is only a few days from the target being missed. I haven’t read all the guides, but it seems like AMD FW13 still has some rough edges for those in batch 1.

If I’m not mistaken - they sent the ‘production underway’ email with 17 days left in the quarter. They also sent the ‘confirm your payment’ email with about 4 days left in the quarter and started shipments only a couple days after that.

It’s reasonable to expect both a delay and a delay of notification. I think that would mean we don’t hear a peep until late November.

I personally am not hypothesizing there is a delay, just stating what a delay could look like to those in early FW16 batches.


I’m sadly in a late batch. I’m hoping that once the pipeline gets rolling that we’ll see the timelines improve, but I’m in no rush. Being in a later batch means that hopefully all the quirks will have been ironed out.


I think I’ve been pretty patient - haven’t posted about being worried about any potential delays, but now I am starting to worry. While I understand they’re also working thru the FW13 AMD launch, but they also estimated FW16 would start shipping in Q4.

October is in Q4, and even if they aren’t ready to ship yet (Q4 covers Oct to Dec), I was hoping there would be at least some communication about the FW16 by now. Anything, even if it is to communicate progress or delays. It doesn’t take away from the FW13 AMD launch to just let their FW16 customers know what’s up (if any). It’s been quiet for too long.

Looks over at the AMD FW13 fence. So happy for you guys and gals… Hits refresh on email and order confirmation page, gritting teeth. Looks over fence again. So so happy for you all…


I’ve certainly done that myself at times. But you know how it goes, “A watched pot never boils” / time seems to go slower if you focus on it.


I’ve certainly been distracted by other things going on. But it’s one of those things where it pops in my head “oh, yeah, you still have a FW16 on the way” that makes me check in. So I’m not watching this pot 24/7. In fact, the AMD FW13 release was a nice distraction in of itself (seeing how the AMD version fairs, and excited to imagine how the HS version is going to be).

Plus, my post was tongue in cheek. I just hope I have the funds available when they’re ready to yank it away from me. A couple of expenses did pop up, but probably will have them back within a month or so.

Lets not even talk about the shipping of the laptops. What about the other deep dives? I would love to know more about the thing I can’t have yet. :slight_smile:


Coming from the Linux world, I am used to: “It will be released when it’s ready”.
I prefer it this way, as Microsoft has shown us many times what happens when it is not ready.

So, they have my vote even if delayed :slight_smile:


@Jorg_Mertin 100% But I hope for an update this month cus i just to know.

Releasing an AMD mainboard after managing power issues + a new laptop + opening the business branch + new countries… it’s a lot, must be very stressful for them!

I hope the work that has been made on the 13" AMD will serve the 16" AMD 7840HS/7940HS mainboard finalization, as it seems to be a very close CPU?

FW create so high expectations with their products (they said the 5 first 16" batches were sold in 12h instead of several month as expected), that even if they communicate about their work like no other company, it’s still frustrating to be without any news after a few days :smiley:
And when we aren’t familiar with the conception/production processes, we can only guess from the various blog post and instagram videos… For example, the DVT units they talked about let me think the product is almost finished? But there are 3 more Deep Dive blog posts to come, so maybe not?

Anyway, I’m batch 7, so it’s not Q4 for me :sweat_smile:


I think Framework didn’t count on the ability of the 16 to approximate very real desktop performance and have all the advantages of a desktop to resonate so well.

I mean I hate large laptops. I would never buy one normally, but what Framework has done with the additional space afforded by the larger design is fantastic and something I absolutely can take advantage of in way no other large laptop made possible before. I think that is a similar story for many other Framework customers.


Same here. I want them to wait until it’s ready before they ship. But I also want it to be ready lol.

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