Shipping dates FW 16

I am batch five as well. My wife is due to give birth to our first child at the end of March. For all of our sakes I hope the laptop arrives in time for me to set it up before my sense of self is destroyed and I no longer have free time.


Congratulations! My son just turned 1, and looking back I definitely had great opportunities to set up a laptop while acting as a comfy bed for a tiny sleeping infant. Just prepare ahead with your AC adapter, any necessary peripherals/USB drives, fluids and snacks, and you should have a transcendental experience welcoming both your child AND your new laptop into this world!

It’s only a few months later that you won’t touch it for weeks cuz you’re chasing the little bugger around the house preventing disaster after disaster. :wink:


That’s what I keep telling myself.
However I’d definitely prefer having it now and running into some issues than waiting, ngl


:joy: Thank you @OperationCWAL for the kind reply and excellent advice.


I was just a day late to batch 12 so I ended up in batch 13, which was the first one announced for Q2. With the delays in mind, batch 12 now “should” be shipped first in Q2 in April, while batch 13 might be shipped end of April/early May. At least, that are my hopes.

Looks like on FW’s twitter, someone should be getting their 16 soon… They have 2 pallets heading to their distribution center…


Someone on reddit already received their framework: Got my framework 16! : framework


how accurate is the aftership estimate? mine departed TN but says will be here Wednesday which seems like an overestimate

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If I remember right, my 13 showed up a day before the estimate. So, based on the enormous sample size, it seems “reasonably accurate.”

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Fellow batch 5er here. I’m guessing mid-Q2 for us, given at least one more long delay I’m almost certain of for some odd reason.

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I have zero hope that’s actually going to be the case, what with the delays that have happened so far. Not to mention, hardware manufacturers don’t have the greatest record of keeping on schedule.

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I am also batch 5 and was kinda hoping for somewhere in March.

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Some of batch 1 isn’t going to be dispatched until March, so that’s very optimistic

Sometimes it is nice to be somewhat optimstic :grin::sweat_smile: But I get your point, probably Brian has a better estimate

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When it was at 16 batches, though we do not know if the batch sizes are uniform, Framework announced they expect to get through all current pre orders by the end of Q2. Assuming full production without any more supply interruptions after the new year celebrations that would mean a batch completed every week or so with a little wiggle room in between.

I am in batch 9 which was still listed as Q1. At this point I am hoping for April. It would be nice if Framework could update ETAs on batches once full scale production resumes after the new year stuff. They have been really open on most things so far so maybe.


Yeah I have zero belief in that. At best I’m guessing that was a mistake, and at worst, well…I really don’t want to go there, but…

Framework have said they won’t be giving any updates on batch ETAs once batch 1 went out the door, which was quite disappointing to say the least. Bit of a joke, really.

I don’t know, I get I may just sound naive but I saw NRP discussing that batches 11 and later would all be fufilled by the end of Q2 on ycombinator pretty recently (Jan 24th). Things may have changed behind the scenes, but it doesn’t sound like there have been any big issues since then so I’m still holding onto it.

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If that’s true, it’d be fantastic

I like how everybody here speculates on absolutely zero knowledge of their actual supply chain and production capacities. But I do it too, because it’s just too much fun :smile:
I think they estimated quite optimistic when they opened preorders, but i guess it helps Framework a lot to know very far ahead how many units they will actually need.
Updates on all other batches’ ETA would be much appreciated. I think they don’t want to say something they wouldn’t be able to keep again, so they wait until they know for sure. Although that could also have been communicated more clearly. “We won’t say nothing until we know” or something.

With all that being said, once again we have to remember just how tiny the Framework team is. And they already give us deep dives and a lot more communication than almost any other big or even small name brand.
They also talked a lot about building out even more production capabilities than ever before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they can pump out 2 or 3 batches every 2 weeks after Batch 4 or 5. Or at least 1 batch / 1 week consistently.
With every miscalculation or defect Framework has shown (so far) that they want to support their customers and do it right, at least fix it afterwards. So I stay optimistic and believe them when they say, basically FWL16 will be in stock by July.

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Yes, I no longer am holding onto hope for my laptop to make it out before the holiday, especially since mine has an RGB keyboard.

Still, it’s not like they’ve just been sitting around doing nothing while they wait for the last few components. I’m sure they’re shipping what they can, prepping what they can’t, and doing all kinds of juggling to stay on track to get all preorders out the door literally as fast as they can. Nothing about this timeline since July suggests any incompetence on their part. As an engineer for products orders of magnitude simpler than a computer, it is amazing to me they are executing as well as they are. I also leave on time every day so… :sunglasses: