Shipping dates FW 16

Hehe, I was wondering if it was just my bias coming through after backing SC for 10 years. I’m Cathodion over there: Cathodion | cathodion - Brothers in Arms | ARMS (Brother) - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

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I hope framework does not become my next Star Citizen. I need a new laptop this decade.


My thoughts exactly!! Squadron 42 here we come!

I go by RndmRanger in the 'verse. I’ll say hi if I see ya :slight_smile:

so i was reading : Framework | Updates and an award for Framework Laptop 16
came across this .

Weeks LOL
seems like they will starting deliveries by 1 Dec maybe.

and another interesting thing

8 - 2 = 6 mean they can ship max 6 batches within two months time frame.

am on batch 12 . so if they start batch 1 deliveries by 1 December then it mean i may get laptop in march 2024


The rate will not be the same all the way through all batches. They said they’ve been working with their production partners to increase the production rate for the FW-16. But it does take some time to get it up.


A few weeks is unlikely to be over 1 month in my honest opinion.


i may get laptop in march 2024

That would be within Q1, so that seems fair enough.

I’m in a Q4 batch and so expect it to ship by December 31st.

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yeah from the time of the announcement that still leaves room for it to be announced around mid-November or even earlier

The Framework engineering and supply chain teams are heads down now on engineering validation, completing firmware development, and readying manufacturing.

Shouldn’t this have been done months ago?

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I mean, if it had been, wouldn’t they have started shipping months ago?


DVT is design validation testing… They still have to do PVT (Product Validation Testing) and then mass production … if they are following the outline here: EVT, DVT, and PVT: Product Development Stages Explained

There are always last minute glitches and gotchas as the interaction of various things change with different configurations. Every time something gets fixed then a regression test run is needed to make sure things that were working correctly haven’t been mucked up. While much of this will be automated it still takes a significant amount of time.

Just think how many tests need to be run to verify the correct operation of every possible allowable combination of expansion ports - plus checking any others they have under development (e.g. the full size SD card module).

Tests don’t just get run once and then decide ‘that’s working’, this is the joy of a heap of interacting software and hardware.


The bullet points show.

  • Assembly and shipping – We order a small batch of components from our contract manufacturers to assemble, test, and package final complete systems. This gives us the opportunity to refine the process and adjust any elements to optimize delivery times and customer experience.
  • Packaging design and brand messaging – We assess whether the product appropriately reflects OnLogic’s reputation and conforms to brand standards. Elements like placement of labeling and any necessary tolerance tweaks in the packaging are assessed.

Which I shouldnt imagine would take to long, espexially since its mostly tweaks and refinements.

Obviously there can be setbacks and the likes, but pvt looks like itd be pretty quick.

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I would assume a lot of the packaging is decided as well, so that part should be especially fast.

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Just to add this again, some of the things couldn’t have been tested earlier, as AMD (and likely other suppliers) can delay product testing. This has happened with the FW13 AMD edition and likely also happened with the 16, just to a smaller extent, where they still feel somewhat confident, that they can finish the design in Q4.

And unlike larger manufacturers (like Lenovo, Dell, etc), framework isn’t getting the same amount of support and doesn’t have the procedures in place to make the launch smooth.


I hope we have an update soon, they have less than 2 months to get how many batches out the door?

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5 batches, based on these two posts on reddit, as batch 5 was late Q4 and Batch 6 is Q1 2024.

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The latest blog gives us a peak…FW should go into mass production on the FW16 following a passing mark in a key step that should occur in “mid November”.

I’ll read that as high degree of likelihood they are in mass production by the final day of November.

On Framework Laptop 16, we’re working through the last rounds of tuning and validation. We have a team of dozens of engineers across Framework, our manufacturing partner Compal, AMD, and the many suppliers creating custom modules who are working daily on closing the remaining issues. This spans industrial designers and mechanical engineers signing off on tooling and cosmetic limits plastic and metal parts, electrical engineers optimizing electrical noise and performing power measurements, thermal engineers tuning fan curves and power profiles, firmware engineers resolving USB-PD compliance and compatibility, and much more. Our next big milestone is a final mini build of test Mainboards in mid-November to verify a change that resolves a power drain issue in shutdown that we found on DVT2 units. If all goes well on this and the other validation work, we’ll then proceed directly into mass production.


Where is that from?
You seem to say it’s from their latest blog post, but it’s not in today’s post. Nor is it in the Oct 24 blog post.