Speakers sound quality

Has anyone attempted to create a better equalizer profile for the embedded microphone?

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Yours is my favorite of all the presets!

Makes the speakers less midrange-heavy while giving them all the great bass that they were missing.

Many thanks!!

Edit: I’m using it on the Framework 16

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Glad you like it!
It’s interesting to know that it also seems to work on Framework 16.

I don’t know which speakers the Framework 16 has, and I’m quite certain that the Framework 16 chassis has quite different resonance frequencies. Perhaps @Kieran_Levin has the resonance frequencies for the Framework 16 and could provide them?
As I don’t have a Framework 16, I can’t provide a preset. If there is someone in Vienna with a 16, I would love to hear it and try to get the most out of it!


Thank you for the preset! I ported this over to easyeffects on linux. Works like a charm. Significant increase in audio quality. Not as good as a macbook though, but I wasn’t expecting that much haha.

I believe the creator of this preset was actually Philonmetal, you can see some posts above Speakers sound quality - #63 by Philonmetal and thelitedragon kindly made it into and APO preset for Windows users.

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Kieran, I am wondering with the ALC295 if there is hardware equalization available and if framework is already using it? This I believe would be accessed via the registers one can already change with hda verbs? It would be much better if we could tweak the hardware equalization right on the codec instead of wasting so much CPU on tuning the speakers with software.

I haven’t been able to get my hands on a ALC295 datasheet online to confirm but even codecs from 2006 have this feature and the Tempo 92HD95B also has it.

Edit: The 92HD95B shows that there is a 5 band per side hardware eq you can setup via the EQ_COEFs. Someone with a board with this codec could potentially mess with this I think.

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which platform?
Latest 13 and 16in platforms enable some limited EQ in hardware.

I am on the FW13 AMD mainboard. Would be amazing to have information about the hardware equalization registers as then we could tweak them easily with hda-verbs afaik.

Are you saying that there is some enabled HW EQ currently on AMD mainboards? Don’t want to start trying to diff the two platforms haha

Yes, both 13 and 16in AMD platforms have some hardware EQ features enabled.

Would it be possible to get the information about the parameters/coefficients implemented so that we could tune the hardware EQ via hda-verbs?

Here is an example from the Linux verb on the 16in Notebook:
Disable EQ
dd 05350000h
dd 0534219Ah
dd 05350000h
dd 0534219Ah

Configure EQ for left channel:
dd 0535001dh
dd 05340800h
dd 0535001eh
dd 05340800h
dd 05350003h
dd 05341CD0h
dd 05350004h
dd 05340000h
dd 05350012h
dd 0534D934h
dd 05350013h
dd 053409FEh
dd 05350014h
dd 0534F405h
dd 05350015h
dd 0534DEB8h
dd 05350016h
dd 0534127Ah
dd 05350017h
dd 05341D18h

Configure EQ for right channel:
dd 05450000h
dd 05442000h
dd 0545001dh
dd 05440800h
dd 0545001eh
dd 05440800h
dd 05450003h
dd 05441CD0h
dd 05450004h
dd 05440000h
dd 05450012h
dd 0544D934h
dd 05450013h
dd 054409FEh
dd 05450014h
dd 0544F405h
dd 05450015h
dd 0544DEB8h
dd 05450016h
dd 0544127Ah
dd 05450017h
dd 05441D18h
dd 05350000h
dd 0534E19Ah
dd 02050038h
dd 02047909h


Very interesting. I’m scratching my head right now on the format though. Wasn’t what I was expecting. Any context around how that is being applied?

this should just be formatted into a byte array, which you should find matches the verb table in memory.

Are they packed verbs? 0x0nnvdddd

nn = node
v = verb
dddd = data

I don’t have access to a FW16 only a FW13. I think the FW16 also has an additional IC for the second set of speakers. I don’t have any nodes at 0x050 on here.

Edit: They do look like pairs of 0x5 + 0x4 verbs but maybe it’s just the node throwing me off from the Fw16 setup

Edit2: Oh looks like the format is similar to this reference https://temposemi.com/wp-content/uploads/docs/92HD95_mobile_ref_sch_verb_table.txt

I have a feeling that this is supposed to be

Disable EQ
dd 05350000h
dd 0534219Ah
dd 05450000h
dd 0544219Ah

To turn it off on each side? Else it’s just setting the same data twice. Do you happen to have the same thing for the FW13? I wonder what that is going to look like node wise.

I wasn’t able to figure out a way to dump the same stuff on Windows yet to see if the driver does anything. Are these hda verbs set in the bios on these models?

Any chance to get the verbs for the 13? Any chance to get documentation about the verbs or that section of the datasheet for the ALC295?

Haven’t heard back in 26 days so I thought I’d reply again. Maybe there isn’t tuning on the 13? Thanks

For the AMD 13in using the realtek codec, this is the part cut out related to the EQ configuration:

//ALC295 EQVerbtable
//disable EQ first
dd 05350000h
dd 0534201Ah
dd 05350000h
dd 0534201Ah
//Left Channel
dd 0535001dh
dd 05340800h
dd 0535001eh
dd 05340800h
dd 05350003h
dd 05341F61h
dd 05350004h
dd 0534FE43h
//Right Channel
dd 05450000h
dd 05442000h
dd 0545001dh
dd 05440800h
dd 0545001eh
dd 05440800h
dd 05450003h
dd 05441F61h
dd 05450004h
dd 0544FE43h

dd 05350000h
dd 0534E01Ah

dd 02050038h
dd 02044909h
dd 05D50006h
dd 05D44C50h
dd 05D50002h
dd 05D44204h
dd 05D50003h
dd 05D46F6Fh
dd 05D50001h
dd 05D4D790h
dd 05D50009h
dd 05D451FFh
dd 05D50006h
dd 05D44E50h

@parawizard Looking forward to also directly trying setting up the hardware codec, but do not know how to utilize the published verbs.

If you could share, a script I guess


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Well. Have to figure out how the verbs work so we can change this values. Setting them is not difficult no published datasheet that I know of and it’s not standard. We may be able to find a similar datasheet with a similar implementation. There is going to be x number of eq bands with a value for frequency, potentially a qfactor and db change. That will be per side likely as the speakers arent symmetric iirc.