Tech reviews by professionals

Here is a new review.

Tip: I am bookmarking this YouTube URL sorted by upload date to notice Framework Laptop related new videos.


I have 64gb on mine.
I’ve posted first impressions.


TronicsFix has posted his impressions:

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But, being an expert, he doesn’t read the instructions on how to open the laptop (from the top) or how to remove the top (by pulling on the orange grip).

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Noticed that too. You need air quotes around “expert”. I find many “reviews” are not including basic homework of read the manual & forums, and fact finding.

But I do think Framework should add a label next to the actual intended disconnect point for the input cover.

I added this one in my unit in case someone else is inside…

And yes I opened back up my unit to take the photo. Such a joy to open.


…That’s your takeaway?

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Not a takeaway, more pointing out something of notice.


Not come across this Leo Laporte guy before but I think the way he reported on the laptop was one of the best presentations I have heard. Low key in his speech, no histrionics - just a cool, calm approach giving total praise to


Thanks for the reminder. Always good to hear.

So… It’s the new age “fidget toy” :grin:

It is so cool to be able to get into it.

Twiddle twiddle…

One note that even though it is meant for repair the screws can still strip, hopefully as they are torx not Phillips they will be a bit stronger or framework has used better screws.

Almost all of them are Torx, and the tool includes both the proper sizes of Torx & Phillips held in with a magnet.

As to stripping, threads can always do that if one is not careful. However head damage is another thing entirely and Torx helps prevent that.

We are getting off topic here, back to the program in progress: Reviews

Unboxings while drinking beer should be more commonplace.

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Louis Rossmann - First look: Framework laptop from Right to Repair supporting manufacturer

I need to count the number of times he says ‘cool’.

Erika: “I have to say as an Apple user, that is a really sexy looking laptop”.


Just came across this review on the YouTube’s. Another positive review for the Framework Team!


Another update from LTT.


Can cool exciting reviews etc just stop till I can order one please?

(Or continue. But I really need a new laptop)


Since he ordered while he filmed the video review he by definition beat the huge spike in orders caused by his video.


Same. I was interested, especially once Louis Rossman posted his update on Jul 23, but it wasn’t until I saw Linus’ hands-on review that I jumped in. As much as I respect what Framework is doing, I still couldn’t commit until I saw some reviews. I ordered on Jul 29.