The laptops batches with AMD CPU scheduled to ship in Q4

Batch 6 is beginning to ship out so I think Framework will be able to keep its promise about shipping all of batch 9 by the end of the year.

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Batch 6 is beginning to ship out so I think Framework will be able to keep its promise about shipping all of batch 9 by the end of the year.

So, apparently there isn’t an emphasis on Marketplace staying up to date on the batches that ship.

I think they have more important things to do like keep the FW13 shipments going and work ou tthe final bugs in the FW16 so they get that shipping. The posts about delays in the support group should be telling you this.

Does anyone know if batch 1 of Framework 16 will not start processing until all the 9 batches of Framework 13 have been processed?

That is not what has been indicated. There have been some final teething problems reported which has stayed the start of FW16 production. They have indicated that they have been increasing the capacity of the production facilities ready for the FW16.

So, what we have found out is we cannot know when batch 1 of FW16 starts shipping using the MarketPlace web page. Someone from FW or in batch 1 would need to tell us.

You can be sure, that someone will tell you as soon as the email reminding everyone to check their billing information goes out.


But, they aren’t going to send you a Batch 1 notice if you’re not in Batch 1, but a later batch. People buying in Batch 1 would need to tell us when they started Batch 1.

That is true, but I personally guarantee you, that there will be very little delay between them sending out the email and someone positing, that they’ve got the notice. Reddit is still getting people posting the FW13 batch notifications.

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I don’t think you will have any problem knowing when Batch 1 people start getting their emails about being charged. There will be such a volume of posts in the various FW16 threads you won’t be able to miss it.

You will also have received todays email on FW16 delivery, which you should read carefully and digest.

Just like a cryptic post on the FW16 email newsletter.

Just says:
[Framework 16 Q4 Batches Update]
Mid-December is the Target.

Also, I called it about A week ago.

My brain feels Massive.

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The message doesn’t sound cryptic to me, but very informative. However, I’ve worked for years in manufacturing, failure analysis, and repair.


They edited the message to add more context.

Originally it just seemed like they were making predictions because they didn’t site a source. The problem is not everyone gets the newsletter. For some reason I’m not.

I didn’t get the newsletter either; maybe because I’m in a Q1 batch. I just opened the link again to study it more and noticed the difference. Maybe your previous statement prompted the change. It looks like once they resolve the issues with L16 manufacturing, they will hire people to make L16. Apparently, they project L13 to keep the current staff busy.

My take on it is that the capacity that they had been projecting to use foe FW16 production is being used to hurry along the FW13 AMD production, and I I took it this included staff they were taking on in anticipation of FW16 production getting underway.

By getting FW13 backlog out of the way they will be able to then use those staff and facilities to ramp up FW16 production to get that backlog down and out the door quicker to catch up on delays.

The updated link now says what you thought. it also has:

“Edit 2: Giga Brain Move”

“We shall have an update about Batch 1 being Prepared next Tuesday 11/28 or by Friday 12/1 at the Latest.”

There is a dedicated Thread for those people:

So if you want to keep close watch you could set that Thread to “tracking” or even “watching” :wink:

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It’s very quiet since there really isn’t any news. Mid November rolled away, so hopefully we get some news by first week of December?

Anyone get an update.

There was an email yesterday. It’s pinned in this forum.

Though I think it is worth noting that the line you quoted did not come from Framework, but rather the author of a reddit post giving his prediction after the previous update. The “we” was intended to refer to us, the customers, and turns out he was right, misleading post aside, because they’ve been updating us pretty much weekly.