[TRACKING] Fingerprint reader failing to register on 13th gen

@Matt_Hartley this may be old news, but: Goodix is (now?) using lvfs and fwupd has added goodix support.

$ fwupdmgr get-devices 
Framework Laptop
├─Fingerprint Sensor:
│     Device ID: ...
│     Summary:            Match-On-Chip fingerprint sensor
│     Current version:    01000248
│     Vendor:             Goodix (USB:0x27C6)
│     Install Duration:   10 seconds
│     Serial Number:      ...
│     GUIDs: ...
│     Device Flags:       • Updatable
│                         • Device can recover flash failures
│                         • Signed Payload

Not sure how this factors into their Linux (driver) support.

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This would address any issues anyone might be having with current installs of the reader, not working at a hardware level (assuming our guides are followed).

I just got my framework 13th gen today and the fingerprint wasn’t working in Fedora 38 KDE - thankfully following @Richard_Tango-Lowy method I was able to “downgrade” the firmware to 01000252 and now it works like a charm

for anyone else like me finding this thread, I downloaded the Windows ISO using the link in this thread, installed Boxes, install Windows from the ISO with Boxes, enable the Fingerprint reader in the VM preferences, install 7zip, extract all files of the Framework Driver Bundle using 7zip, locate the Goodix driver installer and execute it.


That’s interesting, if the newer firmware is now shipping in the prebuilt units vs just the marketplace replacements. I suspect if that is the case, we’ll potentially be seeing a lot more people on linux with new units having issues.

Also interesting that you got version 01000252 vs the 01000248 that @Richard_Tango-Lowy and I got. Maybe a difference in the packaged firmware bundle for 11th vs 13th gen?

re: Goodix support being added to lvfs / fwupd, that’s good news, but as of now I’m not seeing a different firmware available for my device.

I’ve also received a brand new DIY edition 13th Gen Intel Framework 13 today and after installing Fedora 38 and going through the guide got to the bit where you just enable your fingerprint was hit with an error. I’ll give the Windows VM solution a try when I get a chance but it’s a bit of a pain!

P.S. It’s a British English input cover if that helps narrow anything down with what stock has the wrong firmware

Glad to be of service, but it was really @ShatteredScales and @lbkNhubert that figured this one out. I just confirmed and documented.

I suspect FW had a stock of old readers that were going into laptops and new readers that were shipping as parts. Once they ran of of old readers, they had to start using the new ones in laptops. Small problem morphs into big problem, and linux users start receiving laptops with fingerprint readers don’t work on linux–unless you put in the significant effort to download Windows, install it on a VM, and downgrade the reader firmware. A real pain-in-the-butt to be sure.

No disrespect to @Matt_Hartley and the team, but it was hard to not see this one coming.


Glad you all were able to get this documented. I do not have access to any readers outside of those in my own FW laptops at the moment. Additionally, this would have been best done in a ticket so it could have gotten to those who have access to said readers (we’re WFH). :slight_smile:

What is the status of things now with everything that has transpired? Is the downgrade helping those affected? If so, please do open a ticket so we can get this to the firmware team.

Thank you

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Thanks Matt, I’ve raised a ticket for my instance of this issue. I’ve yet to downgrade the firmware using the Windows VM method so I’ll wait for a reply on the ticket in case I can do any useful troubleshooting first.


I’ve also had the same issue with my 13th gen DIY that i just got. I’ve opened a ticket and have been interacting with L1 support at this point.

(The windows vm downgrade is not a viable solution for me.)

same here – would love an update if possible when there’s a solution. Have people tried using WINE to downgrade the firmware? Any reason that wouldn’t work?

Wine typically doesn’t have support implemented for USB devices outside of the generic HID / Serial ones.

I did try this before the VM solution. I tested this again today with latest Wine stable, and as expected, the driver installer shows an error that it is unable to find the Goodix device.

Same here. Framework 13 DIY, Ubuntu 22.04 installed with FW guide.

Interestingly the FP sensor shows up in lsusb but not with sudo fwupdtool get-devices. fwupd is version 1.7.9 (as installed with Ubuntu), possibly a later version reqd?

Not a huge issue for me, I’ll wait for a native linux fix rather than going down the VM rabbit hole; would be good to know when there is one, perhaps someone could reply here when it’s in?

I’m getting the same error - brand new Framework 13 DIY edition (13th Gen), British English input cover, Ubuntu 22.04 installed following the Framework guide.

I’m also seeing the same thing as @Simon_Hyland with the sensor showing up in lsusb but not with sudo fwupdtool get-devices (I also have version 1.7.9 of fwupdtool).

I have a ticket open with support, and they’ve asked me to try various things which haven’t helped:

  • reload the default BIOS settings (I hadn’t changed any anyway)
  • check the fingerprint reader is enabled in the BIOS (it was)
  • open up the laptop and reseat the fingerprint reader
  • try a Fedora 38 live USB (the fingerprint login option doesn’t appear at all in the UI, and fprintd-enroll gives the same error as on Ubuntu)

Hi everyone:

All affected (as I use my fingerprint reader across all the Framework 13 laptops all day)

This is very important for us to better understand:

  • New replacement input-kits or fingerprint reader?
  • Did you manually update firmware?
  • Using the GUI - not CLI as that is how the guide is written? Using GNOME you will not need to use fprint-enroll whatsoever and should be using the Users section as this is what was tested. Same ideal result of course, but for the sake of continuity.

Mine is resolved now via the Windows VM fix and I think I’ve basically answered further up but to clarify:

  • New replacement input-kits or fingerprint reader? Brand new Framework 13 13th Gen Intel
  • Did you manually update firmware? I did not. The first thing I did was install Fedora and the first thing after that was to go to Users and try to enrol a fingerprint.
  • Using the GUI - not CLI as that is how the guide is written? Using GNOME you will not need to use fprint-enroll whatsoever and should be using the Users section as this is what was tested. Same ideal result of course, but for the sake of continuity. I went traight to Users in Fedora and it gave me the error in my screenshot above

Same as @Edward_Bowden but I installed Ubuntu:

  • New replacement input-kits or fingerprint reader? Brand new Framework 13 DIY edition, 13th gen Intel
  • Did you manually update firmware? No, I haven’t changed anything with firmware
  • Using the GUI - not CLI as that is how the guide is written? Using GNOME you will not need to use fprint-enroll whatsoever and should be using the Users section as this is what was tested. Same ideal result of course, but for the sake of continuity. Using the GUI - I followed the Ubuntu 22.04 installation guide and got the error when I got to step 8. I only tried fprint-enroll in Fedora live USB after seeing that the fingerprint login option didn’t show up in the GUI, and then tried it in Ubuntu to compare.

We’ve verified there was a change that has taken place. I’ve alerted the appropriate team to the issue. In the meantime, while not ideal - please try the following:

  • Install and boot into Windows (either as a standard installation or with USB passthrough in a VM - I recommend the former)

  • Download and then run the Framework Laptop Driver Bundle installer for 13th gen. This has been shown to resolve the issue on other generations of Framework laptops dealing with the change in the provided fingerprint readers (replacement units in those instances).

  • Then reboot.

  • Now install Fedora 38/Ubuntu 22.04 again and the firmware issue should be addressed.

Update results below. Thank you

Also, those affected - can I verify if all those affected are on DIY configurations vs Windows pre-builts converted to Linux?


Mine is a DIY configuration.

Windows conflicts with a security/privacy policy - And because of that, the Windows/VM resolution is not a viable resolution for me.

Understood, thank you.