Opened up both USB module types and noted an interesting thing. The type A has metal on both sides of the module. The type C has plastic cover on one side.
Also the A obviously has conductive strips that contact both top and bottom covers. So it is shielded somewhat from interference.
C does not have the conducive strips at all. So I wonder if the placement of the C type has varying effect due to the plastic cover (facing into the unit) and something causing interference.
FYI if anyone else tries to open a module, it feels like it’s glued down, but it’s not. It has tiny fingers on the sides. The cover slides off… Carefully.
@nrp or any other frameworkers: would you mind sharing the part for that USB-C receptacle? Kinda unique looking part, and for a dual USB-C expansion card, it would obvs be nice if the height of the ports matched the OEM cards.
Thank you for the photos. I realize my idea isn’t going to work. The internals of my SDR (software defined radio) dongle appear that they would fit inside an expansion card. I was hoping the USB-A card had wires I could simply solder to the SDR PCBA. Instead I would have to remove the USB-A from the SDR and place it with USB-C. Possible to do, but more difficult.