Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

hey i am wu from China. i have been focusing on framework for a year and i never waste a chance to promote framework to my friends. i have to say not everyone is as excited as i am when they hear about diy laptops, but i believe those who build their own pcs and suffer slow legacy laptops will understand the emotion i have. can’t wait to buy a firsthand framework 16 in mainland China. I hope you can start to ship your products to more places, i believe there are plenty of guys like me who want to get their hands on your arts as soon as possible.


Hi, I’m in Australia and having just come across Framework, love it’s concept and approach.
I bought a new 13" laptop a year ago and hope that it’ll last a while yet, but have an old tower PC that’s due for review, and as I’m looking for more space a good 16" laptop (plus an external 4K screen) is piquing my interest.


Hello from Italy, I’ve heard of this project since the launch of the framework 13 and your work has caught my interest, everything from the flexibility to the repairability seems like a dream. Personally I’m looking at the 16’ model as a replacement when my current laptop kicks the bucket, and I hope it will be soon available to my country after it come out.


Hi, i am an highschool student from czechia into privacy & right to repair and into EU (want to be MEP). I i curently own a dell inspiron 5491 2in1 and i am looking forward to upgrade to framework 16 when it will be avalible to purchase so i can thinker with it. I’ve heard of this project since first LTT video and wanted it but 13 was so small and when i saw linus video about 16" i knew that it will be my next notebook

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This seems like a good time for a new intro. The last one was July 2 years ago, right after Linus did his first FW video. We’re a plural system with Dissociative Identity Disorder. We’re a system of 60+. The FW16 sounds so very close to what we want. We want an art touchscreen but that still remains to be seen (hints imply future options but for now there’s nothing in the marketplace). We’re after some serious performance with good efficiency on battery, but we’ll have to wait and see what options are available for CPUs and GPUs on the 16". It’s been cool seeing the community grow and lots of new people discover products and participate in making mods and new projects around the platform.

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Bonjour ! :grinning:
I am a young French student in computer science passionate about repairing/optimizing/improving any tool… I took the plunge this month and preordered the Framework laptop 13 with a Ryzen 7 7840U, and I am really excited to receive it at my home in France! I discovered Framework thanks to the YouTuber Linux Tech Tips in the summer of 2021. Thank you! :computer:


Howdy y’all from Ohio in the humble Land of Vespuccia!!

I may be a tad bit late to introducing myself as I happen to be the proud owner of 1/3rd of a Framework 13 :smiley:

I have been a tinkerer since I figured out which end of a screwdriver opened my parent’s VCR :wink:

I’ve been tolerating Arch on a Pinebook Pro for a couple years now. Figured it was time to make the next leap and build my own laptop from parts from the Marketplace. Discovered Framework due to LTT and a Linuxtuber or two mentioning System76 and really wanting any affordable (!!!) laptop that I can feel free to make my own.

Hello from France,
I am a software developer, sustainability fan.
I like to tinker and the DIY.
I am waiting for the 16 inch version of the Framework laptop computer and for the car equivalent of the Framwork, the Aptera.


My Framework 13 DIY arrived a couple of days ago and it is so impressive. The assembly and installations processes were all flawless. Windows 11 was all easy, including online activation, and the drivers install for the 13th Gen all went in without a hitch. I spent much less on my own memory and NVME storage than if I had purchased a pre-built Framework 13 (and compared to if I purchased a maxed-out MacBook Air 13 (M2)… that would have added more than $1,200 to the cost, with Apple limiting me to only 24 GB of RAM!).

My main concerns were the quality of the keyboard (coming from a Thinkpad X1 Carbon 7th Gen), accuracy and usability of the track pad, and (critically) the ability for a USB Type C module/port to operate in Thunderbolt, to drive my two 32" 4k monitors via a CalDigit TB dock. All three items pass with flying colors, across the board. Expectations are far exceeded.

The track pad is better than the X1 Carbon in my opinion, much better than the track pad of a former ASUS Zenbook, and I actually think it may come close to my recollection of Apple track pad quality. Track pad feels more precise and responsive than the X1 Carbon’s, and I’m not worried about missing the physical buttons above the X1 Carbon’s track pad. The Framework 13’s track pad corner clicks are extremely accurate - with no cursor drift for either left-click or right-click.

The keyboard feels exceptionally good. I will, of course, keep track of typos I make over the coming weeks and months, but I never thought anything could come close the Thinkpad keyboard. I think the Framework keyboard rivals the X1 Carbon’s… and I’ve got the ctrl and fn keys back in the correct locations, finally!.

My Thunderbolt to dual 4k monitors connection with my X1 Carbon was getting unreliable (plugging and unplugging the usb-c cable 2-3 times per day for 3+ years). The USB-C Thunderbolt for the Framework is excellent when connecting to my 2 large external monitors. (I might have otherwise preferred an AMD Framework, but TB4 certification seems far lees likely for AMD solution). This Framework 13th gen USB-C to Thunderbolt dock provides a clear visible cue when it connects… and even if I eventually physically wear out the port, I can replace with a new USB-C module for a small cost.

I think the Framework team has done an amazing thing, and I just want to say thank you! Just Marvelous.


Hi welcome to the forum and thanks for the write up:

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Forgive me, but I believe you mean Linus Tech Tips. Not critizing you it is a mistake that I have made before.

Hello I’m Sara, a software engineer that loves to tinker with different forms of technology. My current hardware project, which I call “Glacial Skies”, is meant to completely replace both a gaming desktop and general purpose laptop system using one single computer that can transition from a stationary case to a laptop chassis for travel and off-site volunteer work. After researching multiple options I found Framework which largely accomplishes what I set out to do, minus the gaming part since I’m still looking for an eGPU enclosure.

What really drew me to Framework was their focus on modularity and user serviceable design, something I really miss with some of the laptops my friends, family, and I ended up using. I love building computers, messing with their internals finding ways to upgrade them and reuse old parts for other builds or number crunching with scientific communities.

I’m excited to see what this company does in the future!


Hello all,

I’m a high school teacher from Newcastle in Australia (NSW). I love my electric bike, my toy poodle twins, art, photography, our pet chickens, food gardening and “sustainability”.

I’m one of those people who got excited about this laptop because of the “right to repair”. We live in a disposable world where everything seems to last about 2 years, then it’s thrown away. A waste of resources, embodied energies and money. No thank you.

Aside from this, I got sick of dragging my 16" work laptop home on the weekends.

I ordered the pre-built basic model with an intel processor because I want to keep things simple for myself. My mother also bought the Gen 11 or 12 edition before me, so that’s a nice little fact.



Hey! I am an Corporate IT Engineer based in Berlin. My last laptop was a 2012 Macbook, which was about to burst into flames, so I decided to go with something that will hopefully last another 11 years or so!


Not even an owner of this laptop yet, but waiting for the pre-order of the 16in product. I’ve been in computers for over fifty years, have built many desktop pcs with a lot of frustration trying to get the parts installed in tight places, dropping small screws in the case and having to turn it over to shake them out. Fun. Looking forward to working the this new modular concept.


Hi and welcome to the forum

So 1972 or earlier ?

What computer(s) did have access to then ?

I started around 1967 with the IBM 1401 with programming course in college then worked as computer operator with larger IBM mainframes. Back then input was 80x80 card system. In 1982 IBM gave a presentation to my company introducing the first IBM PC. The rest is history.


Hi there,

I’m a French (mainly) maths student, owning a 11 year old Thinkpad X230t running Debian KDE (bullseye) that was refurbished and went through another owner before me. I already knew about Framework since the start of the project, and I’m know waiting for the DIY edition to have refurbished mainboards available to buy a Framework 13 (probably in 2024, would be nice to get a refurbished AMD) to replace my aging Thinkpad (although it actually works really fine… except from the battery life), planning to also run Debian KDE on it.

I come from the Fairphone community, where I’m community moderator and quite involved when I have time (meaning not very often), and I own a second-hand Fairphone 3+.

I have a passion for computer science and microelectronics and already tried some soldering on Fairphone modules (only half-successful, but my soldering iron is crap and my soldering skills approximate).

So as you may have noticed, I’m a refurbished/modular/repairable/FOSS/fair tech lover, and find the Framework’s design quite incredible, quite impatient to actually have one in my hands at some point.

Other from this, I also play guitar, love learning languages (I’m fluent in French, English and German), love playing theater and I’m a (too) curious guy.

Glad to be there and perhaps get involved in some discussions and projects, so I thought I might as well join the forum :slight_smile:


Hey everyone,

I am college student and I decided to get a Frameworks laptop because my old Windows Surface laptop reached the end of its life cycle 2 years ago. I tried getting it fixed at Best Buy and Windows. They made it a huge pain and ultimately I was given a refurbished laptop.
Around that time I saw Linus’s video on Framework, although I didn’t buy a laptop until this year I had this company in mind as an option to avoid buying a new laptop every couple of years.
It’s a pretty cool laptop everyone that sees it confuses it as a Macbook pro which is pretty funny. I’m just getting used to size because it feels smaller than my old laptop.


Hello All!

Just a standard business owner, switching over all the employees to a framework laptop =)