Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Hello people! :grin: I am a writer (unpublished :upside_down_face:) and self-taught artist (still learning :sweat_smile:). I found Framework when I was looking for devices to use for digital art. I have not purchased one yet. The device I have now is a 2007 Dell Latitude D830 that I recently (in the last two years) got from my grandfather. Itā€™s also the first laptop I have ever personally owned. Itā€™s a little beat up and the screen has some light spots in it, but it works well enough most of the time. It is old though. Itā€™s slow, it lags, and recently has started overheating and freezing up a LOT more than usual. I fear it is nearing the end of itā€™s life, and I havenā€™t been able to find parts for it other than on Ebay. I feel like that wouldnā€™t really be a good investment, because how long can I really expect something like that to last before it also needs to be replaced, you know? :upside_down_face:
I have been looking around for good devices for digital art, even posting on some tech groups I follow, but pretty much everyone that replied just said I should expect to update to a new device every couple of years because repairable devices are pretty much extinct.
How I found Framework I literally just typed DIY Laptop into the Youtube search bar a couple months ago and found the video talking about the company and itā€™s goals of fixing consumer electronics, cutting down on e-waste, right to repair, and feeling like you actually own the device instead of only borrowing it on the way to the landfill and all that. I think it was titled something like ā€œthis company takes on Appleā€ or something like that. Idk, my memoryā€™s not perfect. But I saw the laptop and I was like :star_struck: ā€œHah! It does exist!ā€ I was pretty much sold at that point. :rofl:
When I showed it to my sister though, she was wondering if it was actually as awesome as it sounds. Like, how do they make enough money to stay in business? The parts might be cheap and need to be replaced more often than one would expect, and maybe thatā€™s how they really make a profit. Itā€™s one of those things that sound like it might be too good to be true. Thereā€™s probably going to be some kind of catch.
That thought did kind of deflate my excitement a little bit, but I still felt like this was a really good thing. I have done more research into it and I do realize that they are still a newerā€¦ish? company and I shouldnā€™t expect Too much, there are bound to be kinks in every first draft, but I am still really excited about it. Iā€™m having a hard time slowing down to make sure Iā€™m actually level-headed enough to make a good decision here. :laughing: :upside_down_face:



There no good or bad decision if you can live with what you decide.

Choices , ethics are personal but good is a moral issue, you are free to make a choice and deal with the outcome, but nearly two years with a Batch 8 11th Gen and Iā€™m still amazed that the business is thriving.

Take care and weā€™ll see you no doubt again, if you make the Framework choice.

All the best




Iā€™m a French Linux user from the 20th century, and yet still a newbie.
Iā€™ve discovered Framework on Mastodon.
My lifetime quest is for a laptop with an ortholinear keyboard, as Iā€™ve been a bĆ©poĆØte for more than ten years now : I need straightly aligned keys to feel my keyboard well. After a few years on a TypeMatrix then an Ergodox, I finally found my best tool with an X-bows keyboard.

So the Framework 16 is deeply interesting me, especially if the ortholinear module gest real !


Just put in my preorder for a 16 with the Ryzen 7840HS and RX 7700S! Iā€™ve been following the Framework brand since it was first brought into the spotlight via LTT (as Iā€™m sure many others here have). What draws me to it is just the open honesty behind the design. No proprietary bs, no gatchas, no preloaded malware, just a well designed computer by those who love computers. I also am super excited to build it myself!
What tipped the scales and got me to finally commit was access to AMD discreet graphics, as a Linux gamer it makes a huge difference not having to fight with Nvidias terrible linux support.

Iā€™m upgrading from a Lenovo Y700 with an i7-6700 and GTX 960M so I cannot wait until the first Quarter next year when my shiny new framework ships!


Hi! Iā€™ve been an on and off Linux user for 20 years now and just ordered the 16 DYI! No windows! Like @petitevieille im hoping for a ortholinear keyboard module in the future, the 16 seems to have enough space to support a modified version of my all-time favorite keyboard, the Atreus (keyboardio/technomancy/framework co-op please!)

Have a great day folks!


Hello! I just last Monday got my FW13 i5 DIY.

I started using Linux with Slackware and kernel 1.0 in late 1993. I have been daily driving Linux at home since about 1995 and at work since about 2000. The last Windows version I used extensively was Windows 98.

I work as an Electrical Engineer, specifically an embedded systems engineer. Since I work for a very small company I also run the IT department. I have worked for my present employer for almost 30 years.


Scott =)



Iā€™m an IT Consultant in the UK who has worked in the business over 30 years.

My current laptop is nearly 12 years old, has given great service, and has been kept alive by changing the storage, RAM, optical drive & keyboard. It is a great machine but now showing itā€™s age. My clients like the fact I do not believe in just changing every 2 or 3 years, but in installing equipment with a great lifespan to preserve their investment. I am quite frugal and only spend when I have to, and expect a great ROI on my expenditure.

I have been frustrated by the lack of basic serviceability of modern laptops, even changing the battery is a nightmare, let alone storage / RAM upgrades. I heard about Framework from LTT and I am, as you may have guessed, a strong believer in repairing and upgrading equipment yourself. The fact this reduces waste and resource consumption is a nice benefit to have. The idea of having a base chassis and being able to upgrade it over the next decade, then taking the old motherboard and either selling it to other users or redeploying it as a desktop, is even better.

I finally committed to purchasing a DIY Framework 16 with GPU module. I want to understand how this goes together to make servicing easier in the future and, lets be honest, I build my own systems and servers, I like to get my hands dirty & learn how stuff works.

I also like this community spirit, Iā€™ve been a lurker for a few months so decided, as Iā€™ve made the jump to become and owner, it was time to jump in here and say Hi.

Best wishes,




Iā€™m a upcoming college student who has always had a love of technology and climate conscious innovation. LTT introduced me to Framework and their mission, and I very quickly latched on to the idea. I have pre-ordered my Framework 16, which will be a needed upgrade from my custom pc I made 7ish years ago. Iā€™m very happy the 16 will have AMD advantage and very excited to see what Framework can do with the expansion bay in the future.



Hi there! New-ish user here. Iā€™ve been lurking around frameworkā€™s website waiting for the announcement of the AMD motherboards. My goal is to attach an egpu to a framework motherboard just to see if itā€™s possible to create a full on gaming desktop experience with a reused Framework motherboard.


A good day to you, sirs (and ladies)! Iā€™ve found out about Framework today from someone mentioning it in a Reddit post about Fairphones. Although I hope I donā€™t have to change my laptop anytime soon (even if I feared that less than a month ago) and Italians like me donā€™t currently have the option to get one easily, Iā€™m extremely thrilled to learn that such a laptop exists, Iā€™m eager to follow up on all the news about it and hope the company continues to earn, expand and innovate.



Just a student in NZ, Iā€™m looking forward to being able to get my hands on the Framework 16 as it provides me with a good portable work and gaming solution. Been keeping my eyes on this product since LTT covered it.


Iā€™m Vale. I study both graphic design and software development and got a Framework 13 at the tail end of 2022.
Iā€™m big on right to repair and very much look forward to what the future holds for this company and my computer.



Steve A. Rodgers here. Iā€™m a Cloud Security SME | Strength Coach | Techie | Real Estate Investor | Pilot. I LOVE the concept behind the FW and already have two orders placed.

Modularity and the ability to repair and upgrade is a BIG deal to me. Iā€™m planning to setup dual boot Windows 11 Pro and Linux Mint.

Iā€™ve built and tinkered with tons of computers over my 20+ IT/cybersecurity career. Looking forward to learning more about FW and sharing what Iā€™ve learned along the way.



Iā€™m Yongjin, engineer living in Germany. Heard about Framework form the Fairphone forum quite ago and fascinated immediately by the DIY concept. Recently I needed a new laptop for learning music edit (hobby) and considering MacBook seriously I felt almost insulted by their memory/SSD pricing. Now, my first Framework is running since 2 weeks!


Hello Yongjin! I love Germany! Welcome to the Framework community.

Iā€™m next in line. Iā€™m Carl, a Finance Director from Northamptonshire, UK. I own a MMC construction company building eco modular residential homes and commercial units. Framework was a no brainer for us - we share such similar values. I ordered my Batch 5 Ryzen 7 system this week and I canā€™t wait to receive it.

The community seems fantastic, I cannot wait to share my adventures with you all. Iā€™m terrible at using forums, so I apologise if I do anything wrong and please go easy on me :slight_smile: Any kind guidance on the best way to use forums would be appreciated!

I have lots of ideas for my own expansion cards, a 3D printer and a soldering iron ready to go, so Iā€™ll be sharing some of my janky creations as I go.


Hello! Iā€™m an engineer. My work is mostly SQL and Python with some occasional Java. I dabble in rust and game dev in my spare time (which is very spare these days).

My current laptop is starting to act wonky so I ordered a framework 13 amd. I like to drive my laptops into the ground so I chose framework with the hopes that once I drive this laptop into the ground I can resurrect it and drive it into the ground all over again.


Hello! Mike here, I write at https://shellsharks.com/, generally about infosec and tech. I grabbed a Framework DIY 13 to main for site development, other programming/dev projects and to force myself to get better at Linux. Looking forward to hacking away and being part of this growing community.


My name is Oak. Most of my recent work has been in social work, and I am starting my Masterā€™s in Social work this month.

I am passionate about sustainable consumption choices, which to me often means buying 2nd hand or antique as older models of things like furniture were built to be maintained and repaired to last a lifetime. However this is so hard with technology and electronics, so when my last 10 year old, 2nd hand gaming laptop finally died, I had multiple people suggest Framework, and I am so excited for what this company is doing. Exactly the kind of honest, sustainable products that I want to support.


I am data scientist, epidemiologist, humanitarian worker. I read about Framework when searching for repairable laptop.

Why I search for repairable laptop? Well, I owned ThinkPads from the earlier days of IBM quality. Recently, I have received ā€˜bad applesā€™ on the newer flagship models across several generations. It seems this has become a pattern - of giving only so-so quality, low quality control, too_big_of_a_brand kind of consumerIsJustCashCow behavior.

Exploring the Dell business class laptop, only to find one of the keys was broken after just 2-year of normal use (typing-NO gaming). Replacing that key means opening from the bottom up. So, easier to just change with another Dell laptop to avoid down time. Well, this damage-replace whole/big chunk of the unit is not sustainable.


Hi fellow Frameworkers,
Apologies for the belatedly introduction.
Iā€™m a husband, father and business owner covering IT support, graphic design and artwork, web development as well as various voluntary roles, who first learned about Framework and its laptop through watching videos on the Linus TechTips and Louis Rossman channels.
Having already convinced a couple of customers to invest in the 13.3ā€ laptop the upcoming 16ā€ version will be the target to superceed my secondhand, 11 year old 15-inch MacBook Pro currently running a large number of Linux, Mac and Windows OSes, both natively and as vms.
The modularity, repairability, upgradability and eco-friendliness of Frameworkā€™s products have been key selling points from my perspective, not to mention the requirement for a single, simple tool (shipped with the product) to complete ALL upgrades and repairs and echo Oakā€™s sentiment that it is exactly the kind of honest, sustainable product that I would like to support. The quality and presentation of the product is on a par with Appleā€™s equivalent products, albeit in my opinion the Apple trackpad still outshines all competition at this stage. I sincerely hope the company goes from strength to strength.