Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Greetings Framework peoples!

I guess… I’m kinda an oddity here? I’m an artist hoping to break out of my day to day job and I’ve been scurrying away money to save up and build me a badass mobile art workstation with the Framework 16.

I guess, like many of you, you got alerted to this company via Linus Tech Tips. I remember seeing the 13" laptop and thinking “Oh DAMN! Give me horsepower and i/o, and a bigger screen and you got me sold!” and then Framework answered my prayers!

Look, I know there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, but this is as close as I can ever get to supporting a company that operates ethically, and providing something in the computer and tech spaces that’s absolutely sorely needed.

I have high hopes for this company, which I haven’t really said about any tech facing company as the ensh*ttification of the internet continues, but I am very looking forward to seeing great things coming down the pipeline.


Hello everyone!

I’m currently an electrical construction field inspector.

As the laptop I’m currently using (with a Intel i7-7700HQ and a GTX 1060) has a keyboard with some keys only working if you push on the keys really hard and/or multiple times, reasonably easy reparability and upgradability are the most important aspects I’m looking for in a laptop.

And considering Framework seems to have been executing well in those aspects with the Framework 13, I’ve decided to pre-order the Framework 16 (with a Ryzen 7940HS and a RX 7700S). My pre-order is part of Batch 11, so hopefully Q1 2024 won’t be too long of a wait.


Hello everybody. Retired technical support technician that worked 32 years in the Federal Aviation Administration. First computer was a Microsoft monster with MS-DOS 1.2 floppy. Buying this computer because I like getting into the guts of electronics. Having worked on navigation systems, radios, radars, etc., it fills my bucket to be able to understand technology. It’s better than sitting in front of the tube watching soap operas.

I built a desktop and learned a lot from the experience. Hoping to learn more with this laptop and from all of you. Thanks for letting me into your group.


Hello all! I’m a Sysadmin assistant studying to be in the finance career, hopefully to blend both Tech with Business. I really enjoy coming here and looking at all the cool expansion card community builds, and that’s pretty much all I’m here for! I’ll probably expand my horizons as I look further down the rabbit hole, but for now I really want to see a fully shelled prototype of the Dual USB-C card (The C stands for cute - and complicated!).

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New to frame.work, recently heard about it and find it very cool and fascinating. Am considering one for either a streaming computer or the next Linux gaming machine i eventually buy.


Hello, I am new here from MacOS and Windows. I am not an IT professional and wait for my “Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition (AMD Ryzen™ 7840U)” batch 1.

kind regards to all of you


Hey! Completely intrigued by frame.work’s purpose and very disillusioned by both Apple and the pc world’s laptop offerings. Software engineer by trade who is old enough to have a boxed version of openSUSE back home in Trinidad. Quite sceptical about numerous aspects of the frame.work (build quality, battery life with linux) but hopefully as part of this community, I get to understand the limitations of a modural, sustainable laptop and help feedback to make it better for those who come along next. I’m in Batch 7 Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition (AMD 7040 Series).


Hello all! I’ve just put my pre-order down for a Batch 12 FW16 laptop. I hope the waiting will be the hardest part on this journey. I’m not an experienced hardware enthusiast, I chose this laptop for its sustainable concept, which I think should be supported. I work as a sustainability manager. A few years ago I bought my second Fairphone (which some of you will know): a modular and sustainably sourced smartphone. While their cause is admirable, this smartphone also came with limitations: after a while it just got too slow for the amount of apps I needed. No screen replacement is going to solve that, you just needed to buy the new model. Update support has been stellar compared to most smartphones though.
So I think the real test for Framework is going to be backwards compatibility after 8-10 years, when e.g. CPU could be out-of-date to do things it’s supposed to do by then. But I’m willing to help them get there by buying this laptop.


Software Developer. Decided to buy a laptop to replace my old desktop and wanted a future proof laptop that is upgradable.

So i pre-ordered the FW16.


Greetings. I am the god of the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgment. Yes, I have a lot on my plate.

This machine was an offering from one of my mortal followers.


Hello, I’m a computer engineering student and I’m from Philly. I’ve recently been trying to take more circuit classes and learn more about analog/digital electronics in general. I ended up finding Louis Rossman on Youtube and a video he made about this company.

The modularity and longevity idea behind Framework laptops is what interested me the most. I never really understood the obsession with getting the newest tech all the time, but I also grew up with my parents restricting my access to electronics and didn’t get a smartphone until 2018 so ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

I kinda wish there was an option for older CPUs and GPUs (ie. 10th gen Intel or an RTX 1660), but mostly because I’m worried about battery life and I personally think a lot of the newer CPUs and GPUs are overkill (at least for what I do). Either way, I like what Framework is doing right now.


Hi there!

I like tinkering around with linux and hardware. I come from a background messing with the Raspberry Pi.


Hi there ! I’m a French student in engineering and cybersecurity. I’m really curious about framework’s laptop, I’m taking my time and doing some researching before choosing which one I’m going buy.
I’m currently running only with arch Linux since almost one year so I think framework laptop could be a great choice :smile:.


Seems the introduction thread hasn’t been active since May of 2022?

I’m @Eclectic & as my username implies I have a wide variety of interests. I am not an Apple-hater, I primarily have Apple devices, but I have a good mix of other devices as well.

My reason for visiting the forum is: I pre-ordered a framework laptop (Batch 2 of Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series)) & am looking for an update on shipping. It was predicted to ship out ‘late Q3’ & since we’ve just entered Q4, I’m curious if anyone has heard any recent update. The last email update I received from framework was dated 09/20/23 which wasn’t specific to my order but was just a general informational email which included a general pre-order status update.

TIA & Happy to be here!


Welcome to the forum!

I don’t think so. The last update before your post is yesterday, 30th September 2023.

Are you subscribing to Framework’s mail magazine or blog? The chapter of the AMD says that the original schedule was delayed due to technical issues in the validation process.

And I think you may like to watch the following threads.

Happy waiting!


In the last week, my cat has knocked my Acer Spin 714 Chromebook off a table, yacked up a hairball on its display, and knocked over a cup of hot coffee onto its keyboard. As you can imagine it was this last incident that finally ended the all-too-brief life of a very decent Chromebook that never saw its second birthday.

The whole concept of modularity is making a lot of sense to me all of a sudden.


Thank you, I have added them to my track list


Hi ! I’m the future happy owner of a Framework 13 AMD laptop ! (And I hear the future is nigh… :blush:)

I contribute to the packaging of the KDE/Plasma stack in Debian and will be using the laptop for that in particular.


Hi, as I am patiently waiting for my framework AMD, I can introduce myself.

I am a computer scientist to-be (I am finally graduating soon!) and I am a mathematics enthusiast; I am particularly interested in category theory and algebra.

I believe we human can do better with our environment. I am very fond of public transit, biking, and eco-diverse garden (as opposed to lawn and golf course).

Of course, I like stuff that last a long time (even when they cost 5 times more than desposible ones) and I believe repairablity and upgradablity is a good way to prolong the life of the device, but it is not a alternative to having good build quality and longterm support.


Hi I live in Sydney Australia, I work in Accounting & Finance, I like tinkering, DIY and attempting to repair stuff before binning. And I’m typing this on a brand new FW13 gen 13 Intel. I’ve followed Framework for several years now and the need to buy arose after my son’s Lenovo was bricked by a prankster (to put it kindly) classmate. This will be his replacement and Framework gives me much piece of mind that should his laptop be damaged again I have a very reasonable, cost-effective chance of repairing it myself. The ownership experience so far has cemented Framework as my next laptop purchase without a shadow of a doubt! Thank you FW!