Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Welcome to the community Ivan! I might be a little bit biased but I think it’s a great community we have here :slight_smile: folks like to help other community members with issues. Hope you enjoy your stay here!

Been in Linux community since 2006, just was looking for something different, and found it.


Welcome to the community Robb!

Hi all! I’m a software engineer and eager FW16 anticipant (batch 14) who can’t wait to install NixOS on a modular laptop :smile:. I truly think Framework is the most interesting consumer electronics company right now for what they’ve achieved.


Welcome to our community!!

My name is Jan Jansen and I am a technical instructor and trainer from Germany!

I just received my FW13 AMD R5 laptop!
Got it equipped with 16GB DDR5 5600 and a WD SN770 500Gig.
Iam rocking Fedora 39 Silverblue.
So far i am very happy with the first day experience.

My interests range from anything technology to open source and gaming on XBox and in Paper Magic and Exit games.

When I would have more time I would like to dip my toes into programming and design of GTK apps. But with two little children there is not much of that currently.

Thanks so far Framework for a great experience and a lot of years to come for this journey!


Welcome to the community Jan! I’m happy to hear that you enjoy using your Framework Laptop!

Hi everyone!
I’m Thorsten from Hamburg, Germany. I’m working in the IT department of a media company here in Hamburg.
My Framework 13 AMD 7840 arrived last week. It’s driving 64 GB of Kingston Fury RAM, 2 TB WD Black SN850X an two additional 1 TB storage expansion cards. On my desk at home I’m running an older 38" ultrawide display from Dell, the latop is connected via a WavLink USB-hub.

I’ve used Windows desktops at home for many years (and will still have to use it at work in the future). My goal is to ditch Windows completely at home. So far I was using an older computer with PopOS from time to time (so, just little experience with Linux desktops so far). I’m still not sure, which distro I should use. So the next days or weeks there will be a lot of testing to figure out what will be the best daily driver for me. I’m especially interested in Fedora’s atomic spins.

At the moment I’ve installed Fedora workstation 39 on my Framework laptop. It mostly seems to run fine. Some quirks so far: Randomly the laptop loses connection to the external monitor (or the USB hub) for a few seconds. And one of the storage expansion cards sometimes disappears from the os after shutting down the laptop. Getting it out of the slot and putting it back in helps (hope that this is not a hardware problem with one of the USB ports).


Hi Thorsten, welcome to the community! We have a rather large Linux community here and I’m sure they will be happy to help you choose the perfect Linux distro!

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Greetings everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m a music producer, coder from :de: and one with (too) many interests, hobbies and ideas.

A couple of years a friend of mine told me about the Framework laptops and their repair- and upgradability which seemed to be exactly what I was looking for since the plastic “hooks” holding the input cover of my “second own” laptop in 2015 broke during my repair attempt leaving a gap of a half centimeter below the edges.

After realizing that purchasing a big heavy gaming computer with the thought of upgradability some years ago wasn’t a good idea as it’s bulky and difficult to carry (next to the already high power consumption) I wanted to have a laptop that would last for several years (or more) and could be upgraded or repaired without having to worry about cheap materials intended to make it a one-way-only product.

I’m convinced that Framework Laptops are the foundation of modern sustainable and long-lasting computers and I can’t wait to use my own once all my still missing parts have arrived. :grin:

Kind regards

BackslashN :wink:


Hi BackslashN, welcome to the community!!

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Hey @TeeJay you should either open a support ticket for this (you’ve installed a fully-supported distro and your machine is about as new as it can be) or at least get a thread rolling on the forum to crowd-source some experiential data.

In my experience as a long-term linux devotee, devices that disappear after being powered off–particularly in conjunction with a mainstream distro–fall into the domain of unexpected behavior. Devices that fail to return to active state after suspend or hibernate are within the range of expected quirky behaviours although I don’t recall the Framework storage modules being tarred with that particular brush.


@truffaldino , thanks for your feedback. After trying to narrow down the problem a little further, I contacted the support yesterday. To me, it seems more like a hardware related problem.

Hi Framework, I want to give you guys a high five for creating the framework laptops and the awesome community around it. I used to be a hardcore ThinkPad loyalist and swore with my buddy 10 years ago that i’d get thinkpad exclusively for life. Their philosophy changed, I was sad, and when my last ThinkPad died, I felt lost. Not because it’s dead, but because the screen, keyboard, SSD, Battery were all good and what a waste! I wandered in the wilderness for some time, tried other brands, but they could never fill the hole in my heart. And then, I found Framework 13 with Ryzen 7840. My heart was rekindled with love for the world again. Great concept, engineering work, quality, and creating a community. Keep it up!


Hi Isaac, thank you for joining our community! I’m happy to hear that you were able to find what you were looking for. Welcome!

Hey All! I discovered Framework primarily through LTT and finally pulled the trigger on a DIY 16" with both the Graphics Module and expansion bay shell. Very excited to get my hands on it (Batch 19)! The repairability, modularity, and future upgradability of the laptop are very impressive!!


Welcome to the community!

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Hey, full stack developer from the UK here.

Work in Java, Spring, JavaScript, kubernetes and azure. I’m also a hobbyist maker into 3d printing etc.

My current main laptop that I use most is an old Asus c302ca flip Chromebook that I’ve convinced to run Ubuntu since Google stopped shipping updates.

I also have a Ryzen elitebook running windows as I appreciate the repairability of a device with user serviceable parts. I discovered framework from LTT and am planning on ordering a 13" Ryzen soon as hp started soldering the RAM on their latest range of sff elitebooks.

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Welcome to the community! It nice to see that we have more 3D printer enthusiasts now in the community, can’t wait to see what you will be printing for your future Framework laptop!

Hello, Full Stack developer, IT Instructor, and IT Admin from AK, USA.
I have had my Framework 13 11th Gen i5 since the early launch. Still love it,and am looking forward to receiving my Framework 16.
Though I have had my Framework for a few years, I am only now getting engaged into the community. I am encouraged by the friendly nature that I have seen here.
Why I love Framework: Fully customizable laptop that is repairable, and upgrade-able. On top of all that, the Framework support team is top notch.

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