Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

I won’t be able to buy a framework for some years now, but I made my account anyway that’s how much I want this laptop.


welcome to the community either way!!

Hello, my name is Jerry Berg and I am the producer of Barnacules Nerdgasm on YouTube and Twitch. I worked at Microsoft for 15 years as a Senior Software Developer working on the Windows project helping to ship everything from Windows XP To Windows 8.1 and did some work on Windows 10 before the mass layoffs in 2015 got me. Now I’m just trying to find another path through love doing what I love which is playing with technology and ultimately my thirst for open source hardware starting with 3D printers has now lead me here to Famework for the closest thing to an open source laptop that exists presently that is practical. I look forward to learning new things about this technology moving forward and following the project to see how things improve over time. Framework takes user feedback very seriously and it’s really started to resonate with people and overtime more people will buy them bringing the cost down unlocking the next level of purchases. I truly think this could be the next big thing when it comes to mobile computing and finally start making some real difference in terms of ewaste management and reuse down the road.


Welcome to the community Jerry!!

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It arrived a day earlier than FedEx had initially said it would. I cannot complain about the shipping speed :slight_smile:

But, I am glad I waited…that 6+ months waiting period when it was first released would have been maddening. Did that for the AI Pin (what a let down).


Hey, I’m David. I am not in the tech industry, but I like the “reuse, reduce, recycle” slogan and there are some other nice features about the framework laptop that really got me. I’m 32 years old and from germany.
2 days ago I received my fw16 with incredible shipping time. I was still on vacation as I ordered it and did not expect it to arrive one day before me. Only took less than 3 days from Taiwan to Germany… thats insane.

Anyways, I already had some issues with the keyboard backlight not going on and some minor visual imperfections on the top part with the logo. But that’s stuff I already contacted the support about. I guess they’ll find a way to addres this.

I wasn’t this excited to unpack any electronic for a long time. It was so much fun to assemble all the parts and check out the interior. I really hope to have a lot of fun for many years to come. And I’m curious what will come from framework in the future.
My last laptop I bought, was a Surface Pro 3, so this is about 10 years ago and I’m looking forward to the perfomance boost this will bring to editing pictures in lightroom especially.

In my sparetime I like hiking in the mountains and taking pictures of the beautiful nature. I manage all my documents and stuff digital, so thats another important usecase for the fw16.

So far I found a good suggestion for a case that I knew would fit and it does, thanks for that and yeah, we’ll see what help I might be to others.



French Dev/Ops here

Annoyed by Windows 11 and with lots expectations around alternative CPU architectures after a few years on Apple Silicon, I’m quite interested in a modular laptop that is future-proof.


Thank you @Destroya :wave: I already contributed my first helpful advise on how to get the PSVR2 working with the Framework 16 properly since there are a few little confusing hurdles but now it works flawlessly :pray: I’m loving the community here and this is already the best laptop I’ve ever owned :+1:


Welcome to the community David! I think we have other hikers in this community, maybe we should have a thread for it :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community!!

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Hello. Received my Framework 13 Ryzen 5 DIY last week. Super easy to assemble, fun to examine and poke around inside, and beautifully packaged. Laptop is gorgeous, keyboard a pleasure to use, and no problems with install. Running Linux Mint Mate 22 and want other curious users to know it works fine.

Didn’t realize the ethernet port sticks out of the chassis so much, but I wasn’t paying attention to the pictures and it’s not really an issue since I use it infrequently. I think I need to buy a few more expansion cards to get to a 2 USB-A and 2 USB-C baseline. And maybe a spare bezel to change things up every now and then. :slightly_smiling_face:


I suck, sorry for the late welcome. Welcome Jerry! It’s Matt Hartley. :slight_smile: Great to see you on the forums.

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Welcome to the community and thanks for the feedback!!


I’ve been having a blast @matt_hartley! I’m glad I could help people solve the PSVR2 issues and have been enjoying playing RecRoom with my kiddo on SteamVR while laid up in bed from back issues since my Quest 2 (the only other portable VR rig I have) has broken controllers which is sadly way too common for the META VR setups. Even my kids Quest 3 controllers are already failing after 1 year of heavy use. They just can’t figure out how to get the controllers as durable as the actual headset sadly.

Hey @Catenary, you could also buy a USB-C to RJ45 adapter for cheap on Amazon if you’re worried about the protruding port getting damaged. The modules just aren’t thick enough to have a standard port, even on the Framework 16. That way, you can also use the port for other things when you don’t need the Ethernet connection. Maybe one day someone will offer a fully 3D printed USB case for the Framework 13 and 16 that is double depth so people could create double height modules that could hold more functionality per module, like the old double height PCMCIA card slots on laptops. I don’t think it would be practical for Framework themselves to sell it since most people want smaller and more compact laptops, not gigantic ones. But, for a few people, it would be cool to have the option to make a thicker laptop that could house more functionality, better cooling, and potentially even a bigger aftermarket battery or perhaps 2 or 3 standard batteries that are connected in some way so they can charge and discharge together without too much modification to the laptop.

The whole point of this Framework laptop is how modular it can be and how much of everything is published in open source, so technically anything is possible, right? I’m still waiting for some YouTuber to collaborate with PCBWAY to print a fully metal case using laser sintering. Imagine how cool it would run if the entire laptop was a giant heatsink. I bet the 3D printed case alone would cost as much as a full laptop though, so probably not too practical outside of a sponsored YouTube video. :rofl:


Hi, I am a Software Engineer. I am upgrading from an old Acer laptop that I got back in 2017ish. My new frame.work laptop should be here on Monday! Happy to be able to upgrade my parts instead of my whole machine, in future.


Welcome to the community Charlie!

Thank you!