Where to buy RTC battery substitute module?

Is there a place I can get an RTC battery substitute module that works with Framework laptops? I havent gotten an answer back from any human from support and its been a week since my ticket. I am sick of waiting and I just want to buy it if it means getting it faster. I am being generous already in willing to solder the module to the board with my own hands and I am now willing to pay for it somewhere else. Being ghosted like this for so long is not okay, I expect more timely attention for a quality control issue for the board I paid full price for. Its a damn shame because I love this laptop otherwise. This sort of thing is making me contemplate taking my business elsewhere for future purchases. Again, damn shame because those 16 inchers look pretty damn cool.

This shouldn’t be taking a week. A few questions to help find the issue:

  • Did you submit via email or via the form?
  • Did you receive the automated confirmation email that support received your request?
  • Are you using a custom email server or an email address with a personalized domain?

Looks like we received your email, RTC battery replacement shipment can take a few days, I strongly recommend waiting for a reply for couple of days.


Via the form first, then I immediately got the automatic reply on the same day, I replied to the automated email I got with all the info in the same day. Havent heard back… Nope I am using gmail

Thanks! I did try calling the phone number on the page to get confirmation that something is happening but no luck. Im not sure what the phone number is for nowadays honestly. But hey I really appreciate the courteous response given my candor. I mainly wanted to know stuff was moving along, I understand its unreasonable to expect things to happen instantly.

We do not provide support via phone :frowning: but yes, stuff is moving along, no other action needed from your end, before they reply to you. Thanks for your patience!


The newest mainboards do not use the RTC battery. The battery in the 11th Gen Mainboard is an ML1220. It has to be a rechargeable cell. Search the forums and others have sourced a replacement from Mouser, Digikey, etc.

The RTC battery substitute module is custom to Framework devices. One possibility is putting it for sale on the marketplace where you could purchase it and pay for express shipping.

However, the issue would be someone would not read the print in the listing that says the module is provided FREE of charge if they go through support and submit the form with the supporting documentation. The other complaint that would invariably come up is someone complaining that they shouldn’t have to pay (again not reading the listing) for something that should be provided for free (which it currently is provided free of charge to customers).

Even if a campaign was started to offer the replacement module to everyone who has purchased an 11th gen board; someone would complain that theirs did not work after X years because they never put it in when they got it. There is no pleasing everyone.

Unfortunately, lots of people wait until it has totally died and then panic/rant because they can not get it working again in a timeframe they deem acceptable. Looks like some action is being done regarding the OP issue.

Update: Got the RTC substitute and successfully completed it with the Framework tutorial and a YouTube video. Thanks so much!

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