Which keyboards actually have RGB?

Clear isn’t technically a layout. It’s a lack of layout. :rofl:


I found it super annoying on the order page that the US English RGB option was way, way, way down the list. I didn’t even see it at first, and placed my order without it. Drats. The US English keyboard should appear on the order page like so:

  • US English
  • US English - RGB
  • others, etc.

They didn’t make that clear at all and I went and pre-ordered with the British keyboard. Is there a way to change this before shipment or will I now have to cancel and redo my order and risk having to wait now?


How is the clear layout expected to be used?

I imagine some people can just type without printed characters: And are there special stickers for the rest, or so?

For those that can touch type and have a memory of where keys are. It also is something cool to show off.

If you need labels on some or all of the keys, there is a company that makes exactly sized labels, they offer a myriad of options.

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The two keyboards with per-key RGB are the Clear ANSI - RGB and US English - RGB. The keyboard list in the configurator is sorted by price, which puts the RGB ones at the end of the list. The remaining keyboard types are 1-zone white backlit, like on Framework Laptop 13.


Thanks. I don’t suppose you can tell us if there are plans for expanding the RGB language range?

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Not currently, but we’re tracking what the sales rate is for RGB vs non-RGB versions to inform what keyboards we’ll make in the future.


What about a linux version of existing keyboards?

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Similarly, we’ll be tracking sales for the Linux vs non-Linux English keyboards.


Fingers crossed for a Linux RGB International (or English) version, I got clear ANSI RGB for now on my preorder but would def switch to RGB Int English if available before launch to switch out too.

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If you contact support, they should be able to modify your order. Just be patient if you submit an email to support. I hear they are a bit swamped since the opening of the 16" Pre-orders.

Are all the “non-linux” keyboards fitted with the ugly “windows” logo or do they use something else (framework gear for example)? I chose the blank RGB on my pre-order because I wanted RGB, but NOT a windows logo. I just wish there were images of what all the keyboards look like to make an informed decision.

look in this thread

Wow, perfect. Thank you!

I’m thinking about pre-ordering a FW16, though I’m a bit sad, there’s no RGB german keyboard (yet). Since I want to use the Laptop for astronomy, too, it would be helpful to be able to switch the backlight to red, since red doesn’t affect the dark adaptation of your eyes.

I found the thread recommending Keyshorts stickers for the transparent ANSI keyboard, but this are not, what I was looking for, as they do have clear transparent or a solid color, but I would need a transparent red.

When do you think you will have enough data to make a decision on whether there will be more RGB keyboards or not?

I think that recommendation was because you can get the clear ANSI keyboard in RGB. So you could reconfigure the keys in software and apply your own stickers and have an RGB keyboard with whatever layout you want. You wouldn’t have to get transparent red stickers. Unless I’m missing something.

The thing with the clear ANSI RGB keyboard is, that it is ANSI. Yes, it may be configurable via firmware, but it feels like a botch in my eyes and it’s missing one key. An ISO version for the FW13 is available, but I don’t know, if it was from the beginning or came later, I don’t follow Framework for that long.

Even if there was a clear ISO RGB version available for the FW16, are the letters on the stickers shine-through? If not, I have something like RGB pudding keys, but couldn’t read anything. This may be a question I have to ask keyshorts, though. But I’m not entirely sure, I like the looks of that anyways.

Second best option would be transparent red stickers, so I could chose the german white keyboard, apply the red stickers and et voila: Red keyboard lighting. Maybe this, too, is a question for keyshorts, if they can make something like that.

A native RGB german (or any other language for that matter) version would be the best option, simply put. No tinkering with stickers, no messing around with firmwares plus every other color on the spectrum. Some users just appreciate the reparability and upgradability, but hate to tinker with their hardware, until it’s really necessary.

Well, I’ll be asking keyshorts or other companies above questions, else I just have to wait, what Framework has decided to do.

I want a RGB Int or US English Linux Keyboard tbh

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