Wi-Fi 7 Chip Type vs Motherboard/CPU Chip Type

Hey FW Community:

I’ve never messed with or changed out a laptop or small computer wi-fi chip before. I am looking to upgrade my FW13 and 16 wi-fi 6 chips to series 7. Is it pretty much standard that you have to use an AMD wi-fi chip with AMD motherboards/processors and Intel wi-fi chips with Intel Motherboards/processors? Or can you mix and match them since you have to load the chip specific driver anyway?

Texas Citizen

Wifi 7 chips are still pretty rare and have had issues. Atleast the Intel BE cards have issues with AMD (few discussions on the forum).

Qualcomm based chips work better but seem to still have some weird glitches etc.

No idea how well the work on Windows but atleast on Linux they are still little hit n miss

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Thank you for that feedback. Exactly what I wanted to know.

Texas Citizen

Currently there seems to be a firmware issue (either with the cards for the motherboards) that causes Intel Wi-Fi 7 cards to only work with some AMD motherboards (and Framework’s boards are not among those some).

Intel also has some Wi-Fi cards that use a proprietary protocol that makes them Intel exclusive, although their Wi-Fi 7 cards don’t use that (afaik it is purely a firmware issue causing the incompatibility).

Other than those two cases Wi-Fi cards are usually universal.

AMD recommends the AMD RZ738 Wi-Fi card for Wi-Fi 7 and Intel recommends the Intel BE200 Wi-Fi card for Wi-Fi 7. Several users have also reported success with Qualcomm Wi-Fi 7 cards.

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Thanx, Kyle_Reis!

Texas Citizen

No issue at all with latest linux kernel and QCNCM865