WiFi 7 on Rizen 7 Not Planned by Framework

Hi, Unfortunately Framework does not plan to provide support for Rizen 7 users and WiFi 7. So, how are they any different from Apple, Hp or other companies? I asked and the reply was that no support for these units is expected.

What do you mean? Buy a wifi 7 chip and plug it in, right?

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Sorry, you would think it would work that way but most of them only support intel processors not AMD and the new AMD R717 will not work with the Rizen 7 uints.

Just buy the new AMD wifi7 card that was mentioned yesterday and swap your wifi card.

Why wouldn’t it work?

Also the Qualcomm based wifi7 chips also already work with the 7040 series.

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According to Framework Support it won’t. I was hoping it would but they say it will not recognize the chip and therefore you loose WiFi and Bluetooth.

If so would you give a link to purchase one or a model number?

Don’t have a link for it (not sure if it still isn’t widely available).

But at least the MSI branded “desktop” card has this card inside it and it can be removed from the case.

Think it’s been linked in the wifi7 thread on the forum

Thanks, Ill try to find it. It’s sad that Framework didn’t care about it. I’ve only had mine for a year and bought into the upgrade ability and you can if you purchase a new mainboard and card. Cheers.

I’m currently using a Qualcomm QCNCM865 (Qualcomm WiFi 7) and I have no issues with it in Linux mint, with kernel 6.14 rc4


I’m still little hesitant to take the supports comment as true. Unless its somekind of AMD restriction, which also would sound really strange.

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I can only see CNVi not functioning because those are Intel specific but literally any other WiFi card that uses PCIe and is M.2 2230 keyed appropriately should work barring any kind of driver issues (which is on the OS and manufacturer of the card and not FW).

I would think it would work too, but at the same time the page for the RZ717 card specifically only states compatibility with the new mainboard and with the Framework Desktop.

Doesn’t matter anyway for a while since they’re not allowing you to purchase the card standalone at the moment anyway.

I suspect that is more a case of “we don’t sell it (yet) so we don’t support it or it won’t work”.

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I think what everyone in this thread is referring to is the BE200 which does not work on the AMD FW13 laptop.

yeah something like that propably. Atleast if its the first level support.

Find a Qualcomm QCNCM865 and you’ll have Wi-Fi 7 on any motherboard


Thanks for the Share. Unfortunately, I’m running win 11 as I need Dragon Dictate.
Raz replied with “I can understand your concern.”

I checked and the Qualicomm is available through:
AliExpress (non-affiliate link): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006147470595.html
Link to Driver: https://us.msi.com/PC-Component/MSI-HERALD-BE-NCM865-WI-FI-7/support
MSI Herald-BE NCM865 WI-FI 7 (Wi-Fi 7, 802.11BE, Bluetooth 5.4, PCIe, Multi-Link Operation Technology, External Antenna)

(Desktop version you have to remove the m.2)

Sorry, I can’t say they work with linix or windows. But it sounds like there will be no help from Framework. Hopefully, someone will post that it works on Windows 11. I thought I was finished being a Beta-Tester.

Sorry it’s not. Framework doesn’t seem to care about the older Rizen 7

Thanks for the help there is a video on YouTube but the Lady is having problems. I hope your reply will help the Linix people.