If some things don’t work right out of the box, could they be easily fixed? Given that a Guix installation can be scripted, would that make it viable for users ‘right out of the box + this transparent script’?
Guix was one of the first Linux distros I tried on the Framework - it worked pretty well by my recollection. I stopped using it because Tailscale doesn’t work on it and that’s a basic requirement for me. But all of the basic tenants of Guix hold true when maintaining a Framework laptop with Guix SD installed.
Main issue is getting the proper kernel if you’re using the stock wifi since it needs iwlwifi >5.15 to be safe. SystemCrafters has a iso that you can use that uses nonguix out of the box, so you don’t have any issues trying to bootstrap from the laptop itself. I would recommend following their guide as well.
Awesome! I was worried about this, as I’m looking to migrate from Arch to Guix (assuming I can get everything ported over as planned) once my Framwork comes in.
Thanks for the info!
I’m actually in the process of moving back to Guix, I’ll post more about it here:
Guix did not work out of the box for me. I installed it from the install image, but when I went to boot, I got stuck at a non-interactive black screen with a blinking underscore at the top left.
Ubuntu worked fine using a similar install procedure.
I just installed it with using i3 as my wm (trying to switch to xmonad).
My problem was that I got a lot of screen tearing and had to change/add the following lines to my config.scm file:
(extra-config '("Section \"Device\"
Identifier \"Intel Graphics\"
Driver \"intel\"
Option \"TearFree\" \"true\"
Option \"AccelMethod\" \"sna\"
(keyboard-layout keyboard-layout))
AccelMethod is set to uxa by default which seemed to be an issue with this hardware.
Oh, by the way, you may need to use non-guix, linked by @kjhoeer above, and make sure you use the most recent installation image on his github.
However, I am having some trouble getting xmonad to compile my configuration file. Anybody have any tips for this?