Your personal expansion card layout

Common setup:

Left Right
1: USB-C 4: USB-C
2: USB-A 5: USB-C
3: Audio Out 6: USB-A (Mouse)

Other cards to swap in, when needed:
3: USB-A
5: USB-A
2,3,5 (depending on the rest of the setup): custom SD-Card reader

I’ve ordered Dual USB-C cards from Josh and am currently working on other custom Expansion Cards on my own. Gonna share the news, once anything reached a usable state.

P.S.: totally forgot about the Ethernet adapter as I hardly use it with my current limited setup. That’s one of the reasons why I’m working on multi-port cards. But Wifi works fine, so I use Ethernet just for video conferences usually in port 2.

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Left Right
1. USB-C 4. USB-C
2. USB-A 5. USB-A
3. Audio Card 6. USB-A

I also have the Ethernet adapter and DisplayPort, but I don’t use those much; I did also have the hdmi, but I ended up losing the thing so no more :frowning: