I just tried ptm on my amd framework 13 and am a mix of impressed and disappointed, it is pretty nice but calling it lm without the drawbacks may have oversold it a bit. At high fan speeds it makes a ton of difference, at low to no fan speeds there is very little.
Here I mapped the the achived power running stress (–cpu 8) with the power limits set as high as they go with different fan-speeds(off, about 2100 which is as low as it’ll go and not audible to me and just short of 7000 which is as high as it’ll go and pretty audible) and temperature limits. I recorded the power after 10min of heat-soaking from the last step. Ambient temps were between 23C and 23C
In the case of 7000 rpm I seem to have run into some other wall, not sure if it is skin temperature or vrm throttling or something else entirely but over time the power limit would just reduce down to 30W at higher temp limits. in the case of the 7000 ptm result I was not able to run the 97 and 100C tests because of that limit even when pre-cooling before. The stock paste barely managed but it didn’t go much higher than the 30w hard limit anyway. Still though, massive improvement.
The min and no fan results are a bit less amazing but at least not worse.
I am kinda tempted to test lm but this is the first new laptop I have had in ages so I may want to baby it a bit more first XD.
If framework shipped this thing with ptm stock they could have probably avoided the “relatively loud fan” cmplaint in the reviews. I personally don’t find it all that loud and am pretty happy that it is able to cool this much. My t480s with liqiud metal and undervolting barely manages 30w with maxed fan and that one blows the hot air straight at your mouse hand.