Plugging in this problem USB drive halfway worked. It looks like I’m having a problem many others have experienced, and may need to send for a mainboard replacement unfortunately.
I was wondering if the ongoing problems of the USB-A port carry forward. The problem I’m referring to is the power issues that sometimes require things to be plugged in half-way to function. Is this an issue with all mainboards? Was this fixed on the Framework 16 laptop?
(I originally posted this in a thread on display output problems , though I now think it’s unrelated. It might be related to this other post on USB-A Yubikey problems …)
I’ve had a problem with a couple of external USB hard drives when plugging them into one of the laptop’s USB ports. The drives get power but no data. At least, the drive doesn’t appear in the list of drives, but its light stays on.
I’ve tried swapping the USB-A framework expansion cards (I have two), but the problem only happ…