I’ve seen different behavior after playing with the charge limit up and down. For example, my charge light went from blinking to unblinking, despite my being at an 80% charge and charge limit.
From another post I made:
I’ve seen some bizarre behavior in the side indicator lights’ blinkiness. Context is provided below; weird bits are in bold.
< : my action
> : result from the laptop
< set charge limit 80%, run laptop from 100%
> laptop discharges to 80%, showing some forgotten indicator light pattern
< run laptop at 80% (seeing 81%)
> laptop blinks amber
< unplug laptop, run to 75%
< set charge limit 100%, run laptop charging to 82%
> laptop solid amber charge
< reboot, set charge limit 80%, run laptop
> laptop keeps charging from 82% to 85%
< disconnect laptop, reboot several times, run discharge to 80%
< plug laptop in, run laptop at 80%
> laptop shows solid amber light
I haven’t attempted to reproduce this yet.