[TRACKING] Laptop sometimes cannot wake from sleep on Fedora

Do you have an external monitor at hand? I had what sounds like a very similar experience, and in my case, when this happened, if I plugged in an external monitor I could see that the laptop was running, just the built-in screen was black, and the keyboard/touchpad/powerbutton were “dead” until I did a hard reset by holding power button for 10 seconds.

It took a long time for customer service and me to work it out, but in the end I’m pretty certain one (or both) of the following fixed the issue for me:

  1. Mainboard reset (look up the instructions, but it involves pressing the lid switch 10 times. It resets the BIOS)
  2. Firmware update of my SSD

I can’t say which was the issue, but I lean towards the mainboard reset fixing my problem. It’s possible that flashing to the 3.03 left something in a wonky state. I did this fix on Jan 7th IIRC, and haven’t had an issue since.