11th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.20 Release and Driver Bundle Update

It looks like you have Secure Boot enabled; it must be disabled for the EFI updater to work. (This was mentioned in instructions for previous updates, for example 3.17, not sure why it was not mentioned in the latest instructions.)

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I noticed that the battery icon is showing a lightning bolt but is “using battery power” when I moused over it. UPower status shows “pending-charge”:

native-path: BAT1
vendor: NVT
model: Framewo
serial: 0177
power supply: yes
updated: Fri 26 Jul 2024 10:26:29 PM (6 seconds ago)
has history: yes
has statistics: yes
present: yes
rechargeable: yes
state: pending-charge
warning-level: none
energy: 53.0222 Wh
energy-empty: 0 Wh
energy-full: 53.0376 Wh
energy-full-design: 55.0088 Wh
energy-rate: 0 W
voltage: 17.517 V
charge-cycles: 13
percentage: 99%
capacity: 96.4166%
technology: lithium-ion
icon-name: ‘battery-full-charging-symbolic’
History (rate):
1722029189 0.000 pending-charge

Had been having many problems since new (11th Gen Intel) with battery not charging, CMOS battery dying, and not powering on unless the main battery is disconnected, even needed to replace the main battery on support’s recommendation (but problems remained).

I updated BIOS from 3.06 to 3.17, then 3.20 today and all seemed normal until I check battery status. Concerned that I may be repeating previous sagas with dead battery, not charging and not powering on with connected battery (making this a desktop).

Any advice would be appreciated.

So you have an ‘older’ 11th Gen but is this a recent purchase as I note you only just updated from 3.06, which I did two years ago.

I see you have a new main battery but what about the RTC/CMOS battery, the ML1220 you don’t mention any change to that.

The ML1220 may well be dying, it requires at least 6hours charging a week or 1 hour a day. If left for a few weeks it will degrade rapidly.

Further you don’t say which OS you are using and there has been a similar on/off charging icon when using Ubuntu 24.04 on my dual boot with Windows but not when using windows.

That Ubuntu issue has been mentioned earlier in this topic, you may like to search and find that.

Yes, an older one and have had it from new, but it became unusable for a long time after power on and battery not charging problems. Running Mint but was on MX initially.

Kept on resetting the board at first, changed the ML1220 at least twice and eventually resetting did not work any more. Main battery was then ordered (support diagnosed that) but as I had relocated, I had to wait for months before I could return to fetch the new battery…

So, only managed to persuade the device to charge and run on the new battery recently by some “black magic” trial and error of procedures. And finally, BIOS got and update.

However, I am getting a few hints/reminders of symptoms that make me worry. For example, when I plug in the power, the bolt deos not appear and it still runs on battery until I reboot. And there is that charge-pending status.

Read that Windows does not have these issues, but I am not eager to run that and far prefer Linux especially vs 11.

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Just wondering ~ do you use sleep or anything other than a full power off?

I now do full power off and not use suspend out of caution

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But do you still have the flaky icon even with full power off then?

I suppose you could try a USB type boot into a different OS. Clearly Ubuntu comes to mind as that’s all the main Linux I’ve used since 2004. Not to ignore the irrelevant Raspberry Pi series elsewhere.

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I do still have them: when I unplug and run on battery and then plug in to charge, the bolt does not appear but if I boot up with power cable, it is there until I unplug and reinserting the cable does the same no-bolt.

Head-scratching stuff…

Will try other OS as you suggested. Thanks for that.

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Just to clarify,

  • are you unplugging when the laptop is powered on and if so is the icon OK before you unplug


  • Powered on > Icon OK
  • Still powered on plug > icon changes to battery
  • Still powered on > Reconnect main supply > icon stays on battery

Plugged in, boot up (normal and expected icon display with bolt)

  • unplug (on battery, again normal icon with bolt now gone)
  • run down battery for a little bit
  • plug in to charge (no bolt in icon, and charge-pending status)

Also, now a new symptom. Powered down device to deal with screw holes. Closed up everything and attempted to boot up but everything was cold and dark, power button did not light up, totally unresponsive. Had to plug in, started up normally but noted that the side LED was orange and battery was 79%. Since it was booted up plugged-in, bolt was showing in the icon and battery status confirmed charging. Then I unplugged and the same repeats …

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More problems discovered:

It refused to power up after a full shut down even with 70% battery unless I plug in power cable! All was cold and dark, the power button did not light up, I tried a long press, multiple presses, nothing worked. Once the power cable went it, the LED was momentarily orange, then green, and the power button lit up and it booted normally.

I am having the same issue with my 11th gen. After the bios update it only turns on if I plug in the cable even if it is fully charged and was off a minute ago!

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Just to confirm ~ this is with a Linux OS ??

No, with Windows 11. Just the power up issue, but I just turned it on from hibernation, so maybe it got fixed or something else is going on?

That seems unusual.

I’ve had my 11th Gen since Feb 2022 and use Windows hibernation 99% of the time.

Sometimes I boot into Ubuntu via the GRUB menu but still mostly Windows and never had such a power issue, although 90% of the time I am plugged in to power.

I power on multiple times a day, as noted mostly after plugging in though.

Having issues similar to some of those above with not being sure if the BIOS actually updated successfully despite claiming it did so.

System: Framework 13 11th Gen i5 Batch 5
BIOS Version: 3.17
OS: Fedora 38
Battery Connected: Yes
Charger Connected: Yes

Issues so far:

  1. The BIOS version does not show as updated to 3.20 on the BIOS main page or in the return of dmidecode.
  2. There doesn’t appear to be any 6Ghz bands available on Wifi even when standing right next to the AP (Using the provided Intel AX210). iw phy still shows all 6GHz frequencies as being disabled.

This is the output of the “successful” BIOS update.

I attempted to instead update to 3.19 thinking that maybe I had to go in order, but the system thinks that 3.20 in installed.

I ran the intel provided script to check if the CSME was updated to and it was.

It appears that some portions of the BIOS update was successful whereas other things were not. I’m not sure what the CapsuleApp errors are at the end of the BIOS update, so may be related to that?

i had a problem with this update that grub-boot was gone.
Did anyone else have this?
I have Dualboot Windows / Linux (Debian) with grub, after the UEFI Update the computer direct boots to Windows and grub is gone.

Yes I had to use the BIOS to boot to GRUB.

Select > Boot > New Boot Device Priority > First
Select > Boot > EFI Boot Order > Uncheck Windows

It seems I was wrong. It still needs to be plugged in and then turned on if left off for a couple hours or more. If I turn it off and then immediately turn it on then it works.

I wonder if this could be an RTC battery issue.

i.e the ML1220 has such a low capacity that if left off for hours it’s pretty much dead.

How often do you run the laptop on power?