12th Gen BIOS update for CVE-2023-23583?

Do we have an ETA on when we will see an updated BIOS/UEFI update containing the updated micro code 0x2b to address CVE-2023-23583?


In fact, there have been no driver or BIOS updates since the release of this machine? What happened? I don’t even see the 12th gen system listed in the BIOS thread that is pinned.

Yep, 12th gen was abandoned right after release. There are several vulnerabilities in the 12th gen bios that were disclosed over a year ago.

There’s one beta bios release, and most users haven’t had major issues with it, but there have been reports of failed updates and you cannot downgrade after you update to the beta.

Supposedly they are working on an update, but they’ve been saying that for over a year so I’m not holding my breath.


I was told this will include latest intel microcode

Dag Klaas :slight_smile:

Has this update becomee available already? Sorry for the noob question but how do I check which version my BIOS is now? So I can check if it makes sense to install this driver bundle :slight_smile:
