12th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.06 Beta

Framework is fortunate to have a tech savy userbase, who will test those Beta bios for them, knowing it can lead to issues.
For my part i install these versions, because i want it to come out of beta asap and be as stable as possible.
Code is written by humans and humans make mistakes - thats fine.
What is not fine with me, is putting a Beta Bios out there, that has some serious issues, is not downgradeable and then not release anything (not even a new Beta) for 8 months.

Didnt know if i should laugh or cry, when you talked about realistic expectations here…
Sure weekly updates probably dont make sense, but just coming out every few months and saying “we are working on it” is simply not enough anymore.

I realize that there are growing pains inside the company, releasing 3 models this year.
Specially in this situation you should focus on delivering the initially promised feature set.
Instead you want to include the 61WH battery support and seemingly some other features, taking additional time.

Please stop treating your active and supportive community like that, or one day they might be gone .