Dear all
Today I received my assemble-your-own Framework 13 (AMD). I assembled it. It works. However, the - weirdly small - up arrow/page down key sounds very scratchy - much more so than the other arrow keys. This is going to irk me, if it does not subside.
Any thoughts?
Perhaps a bit of the keyboard connector ribbon has ended up underneath that key . .
I read that someone else had the down arrow key fall off!
Can you send a audio or video file demonstrating the scratchy noise?
You can also send a request to Framework Support. They are quite busy right now, so it would be better for you to first send a video/recording on the forum so we can verify if that is normal or if you should request a replacement.
Thanks. I can do that - though it looks as if I cannot upload audio or video files to this forum. Must I use some hosting service and then post the link here?
EDIT: Also, though (and re ‘verify if that is normal or if you should request a replacement’): might it not be, as I ventured, that something might be stuck, but removably so, behind the key?
I’ve put a video, with sound, here.
EDIT: (an addition): having opened the case, I see that the key makes the funny sound even when the keyboard is lifted well clear of the keyboard cable, and that nothing is in any evident way erroneously behind the key.
I would not recommend you remove any keys from your laptop. It is very likely that may damage the key or the scissor switch below and that would mean it is user damage and Framework probably won’t replace it.
OK, thanks, but why might I have wanted to remove the key? To check whether anything was stuck behind it?
I think what I should do is: see whether others think that the sound of that particular key is abnormal (or if not abnormal for some key son Framework laptops, then bad); and, if they do, take up the matter with Framework official support.
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I though you were going to remove the key to check for any debris so I was just putting that out just to make sure.
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Hey did you get any resolution to this?
Hi. Thanks for asking. Here is what has happened (and I have mention these events elsewhere on the forum).
Framework sent me multiple new input covers. Each had the same scratchy key. Now the support people are asking me to send the machine in for repair, even though I have discovered, and communicated to support, that the defect - where present - manifests itself in the keyboard even before one has attached the input cover. That is: Framework needs to fix a keyboard and send me the fixed keyboard; but Framework insists on having my computer in for repair.
Your profile isn’t public so couldn’t find any other info.
Just had one with the same, wondered if you’d tried to realign the keyboard in the input cover.
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‘Your profile isn’t public so couldn’t find any other info.’ I did include - albeit via a slightly later edit - a link to the relevant thread. Here too is a link to another thread - one that surveys users asking whether they’ve had the same type of problem.
‘Just had one with the same, wondered if you’d tried to realign the keyboard in the input cover.’ I have not tried. For, apparently, the job involves very many screws, some of them fiddly and breakable.
Don’t you just need to loosen them and then reposition and tighten? Also wouldn’t it be the same job if you changed the actual keyboard (say from ANSI to ISO layout) but didn’t buy the whole input cover?
Hi Gregory
I am trying to avoid two things. The one is sending the whole laptop away for repair. The other is trying to fix the problem myself - which, a couple of people on this board have told me (though currently I cannot confirm or deny this), involves dealing with very many screws, some of them fiddly.
No I appreciate you don’t want to be messing on, but given the nature of put together keyboard and input cover, and if you wanted to install something like
Stands to reason its not that difficult?
Thanks for the reply.
Are you pointing me towards the fitting instructions on that page? Or is it that there is reason to think that that particular keyboard - or rather a version of it for the Framework 13 (for I have a Framework 13) - will have no scratchy keys?
I’m trying to say, adjustments to the position of the keyboard relative to the metal front does see too difficult given they are selling swap out keyboards
Well, the Framework laptops are designed (partly) for do-it-yourself (DIY) types; and, as I say, I’ve heard that changing the keyboard is - by the standards of people who are not especially DIY - tricky. In the end though I might end up fixing the scratchy key - via fiddling with the keyboard fittings - myself.
I just received my Framework 13, and I’m also having a weird scratch sound on the up arrow key (and some on the down arrow key). Did you get a fix for this other than replacement covers? The issue for me persists even with just the keyboard alone.
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In short: no.
In longer . . It seems that I just cannot get anyone at Framework support to appreciate my point, even though I spelt it out time and again and even though I corresponded with someone somewhat senior. I have not heard back since my last email, which I send just before Christmas. It seems I will have to live with the problem, or fix it myself, or wait until something else necessitates a repair and then try to bundle this repair in with it.
Please write to Framework support, describing the problem and saying that it is the same as someone else has had and that the problem is with the input cover itself.