Advice on fan curve made for fw-fanctl?

"helion": {
            "fanSpeedUpdateFrequency": 5,
            "movingAverageInterval": 30,
            "speedCurve": [
            	{ "temp": 0, "speed": 0 },
                { "temp": 50, "speed": 0 },
                { "temp": 68, "speed": 23 },
                { "temp": 75, "speed": 39 },
                { "temp": 80, "speed": 100}

I mostly designed this to minimize noise when playing a game that draws around ~21W. It seems to work suspiciously well, but I did neglect the upper part of the temperature curve.

I made it by messing around with sudo ectool fanduty and making measurements using btop and sudo ectool temps.

Any feedback?

I’ve found that the fan is pretty much imperceptible at around 15% speed and below, so you might want to set the fan speed to that at 50 °C just to prevent it from rising much if possible. I’d also recommend having a bit slower ram on the top end, as you may otherwise run into an issue where it keeps turning on and off the fans as they lag behind the temperature changes (due to the moving average and update frequency). I think changing the speed to 50% or 60% at 75 °C should fix it. Really as long as you have it at 100% speed above like ~80 °C you shouldn’t run into any major problems, and anything else is just a matter of tweaking stuff to your liking and environment.