AMD Batch 5 Guild

And built! Super easy, guides were excellent. Ubuntu 22.04.3 OEM worked out of the box, except the fingerprint reader, which had a how to guide to resolve, which worked. Guides were excellent.

The engineering is the best I have seen since IBM Thinkpad days.

I had a lot of trepidation on this purchase, but this laptop has so far really exceeded my expectations.

Only issue was an apparently damaged display. Working to get RMA attention on that…

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It’s arrived! :smiley: Now to order SSD & RAM with Black Friday sales!

Ordered on 21 Jul
payment on November 15
shipment tracking on 15 November
delivery 21 November


Fedex tracking tells me that the shipping has been delayed to tomorrow :weary:

EDIT: Fedex updated the tracking again and now it’s out for delivery :laughing:

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Delivered yesterday November 20 - it was held up in processing on November 17 in my city.

Regarding installing Windows 11, I followed the Framework AMD installation guide. However, when I had my USB-A expansion card in slot 1 (left side rear slot), the USB Flash Drive was not recognized by the boot manager when I powered on. When I moved the USB-A card to slot 3 (left side front slot), the USB Flash Drive was recognized by the boot manager.

Edit: Very easy to setup; build quality is satisfyingly good if not excellent (time will tell as wear matters to grading excellent). This is the real deal.

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It’s here!!!


I had the same, and noticed that I had to push the usbstick in further.
The new cards are quite tight in the beginning.

It arrived! The keyboard module was slightly bent, but it works just fine.

Installed void linux and it’s working pretty well so far!

Yesterday I received my laptop at 14:00 in Italy :melting_face:

One day in advance

Got mine, came with a bent input cover.
Still manages to screw it all together with some brute force :sweat_smile:.
Gonna see if i can get another cover from support.

Are you sure that’s screwed together? Mine looks like that if you don’t screw all the screws in, and the DIY guide says as much

Note that the Input Cover will not sit entirely flat until the bottom fasteners are tightened. The bottom right corner is slightly lifted to make it easy to remove the Input Cover.

Its not screwed down yet, i can screw it down with some effort, and it does sit flat afterwards tho it makes some nasty clicks as i tigheten in the screw on the lifted side.

Received mine yesterday. I was able to set it up in ~2hrs. It is working pretty well so far.

Tight indeed. I checked for proper depth as well - re-inserted the card in the same slot - before moving it.

I believe that is quite okay.
Screw it down in a way that you think is acceptable.
If you still see a problem then, you should contact support.
But before screwing down, the top cover is supposed to not sit flat and look nice :slight_smile:

I agree with @Mark1 , the photo looks ok and it’s normal that that screw makes a clicky sound. Definitely contact support if you suspect damage, but it looks fine to me from the picture and your description.

Another thing to add to the above two posts, I found that the input panel had to be put into place at a very gentle angle, right side first then left, so that when it clicks into place there are no significant gaps and it’s not pushing on anything. Particularly around the right hinge (looking from above) as there’s more cables there, including the power button and the space is smaller.

But in general the above photo looks similar to what I had prior to screwing it down. It’s normal to be slightly lifted, as pointed out in the guide. Small clicks and creaks as you screw it down are fine, but it shouldn’t require any significant torque to screw it down. If any resistance is encountered, take off the panel fully and try to re-seat it, keeping an eye out for anything that might be in the way. Once it’s been screwed in It should become flush with the bottom cover.

As an aside, I finally managed to assemble mine and was happy to see that my Gentoo install worked out of the box. Recompiled for Zen 4 and haven’t really seen any major issues, except the screen doesn’t turn off when the lid closes and the laptop is set not to go to sleep on lid close. But I might be missing a kernel configuration somewhere, have yet to debug this. Memory training is also rapid - took less than 10 seconds at first boot with 32GB.

Overall really happy with it! Compile times showed about about 8-12x (depending on workload type) faster times than my old laptop.

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One of the screws is held up with a circlip. It literally pushes the cover up as you unscrew it and pulls it down as you screw it in. I think this is intentional to give you a place to get purchase with your fingers in order to lift the cover off when it is unscrewed. I now have two FW 13s (an original 11th gen Intel and a new AMD version) and both are like that. When you turn that screw, you can sometimes hear the circlip clicking against the threads of the screw. As long as the screw isn’t super tight (indicating it is cross-threaded), then I think it’s probably normal. You can certainly reach out to support to see what they say, because maybe there is something else going on. But don’t be surprised if they say it is normal.

I have been using my new 7640 laptop for two days now.
On Linux Mint.

My congratulations to the Framework team.
It’s a fantastic laptop.
Both aesthetically, and technically.
Looks good, it’s fast, and on “standard webbrowsing” no fan used.
I’m not an early adopter usually, but the release of the first framework laptop tickled my fancy.
I promised myself that if they ever released an AMD version, I would just do it.
And I have.
And it’s awesome :hugs:
Congratulations. May you take the world by storm!

I’m also sure the big companies would love this product, if you can provide good agreements.
Simply replacing some components in a few minutes, and sending an employee off with “their own” fixed laptop.
And re-using laptops by giving them a clean new inputcover and bezel, would make it perfectly acceptable to provide a “trickle down” strategy of laptops in an organization. Dev’s get new motherboards every 2 years, their “old” ones are given to other parts of the organisation. This way providing every employee with an upgrade every 2 years, while only having to buy a limited amount of new parts.

This would save millions per year in our company alone.
Both in cost and and in lost employee hours.

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Likewise. I would have put off buying a new one but my last one was really on its last legs. Framework has a premium tag though. It was difficult to swallow, but I love their mission of repairability and sustainability, and until a disruptor enters the market it will all remain status quo. This was the main decision factor for me, I’d rather support a company that cares about this than stick with the ones that don’t or even worse, falsely claim to do so (cough Apple cough).

That said, I’m really happy with the level of thought put into the overall assembly. As someone who has always repaired my laptops as much as possible but dreaded the experience, It’s so easy to work with the FW laptop internals, it’s actually pleasing.

The packaging too was great - the whole thing is widely recycled.

While I hope other OEMs take notes, I also hope Framework to keep succeeding and innovating. The mindset of this company is refreshing and much needed.

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Finally received my RAM modules yesterday and completed the assembly of my FW, installed Fedora 39 on it and started migrating data from my old laptop. I’m really impressed so far with the build quality, the keyboard, and how easy it is to assemble/repair.

It’s strange, I just got this new laptop and I’m almost looking forward to having to repair/upgrade it at some point in the future :thinking:

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