AMD Batch 6 Guild

I’ve still got:

Arrived at FedEx hub ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, 95, 95702, FR

So we shall see! I don’t see anything about them not delivering on weekends, so my fingers are still crossed for tomorrow.

Yours doesn’t say that?


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It’s going to be Monday for me. I live within 2 hours of the airport, so it’s not a distance thing either :pensive:


Oh right now I see it. On the official FedEx app you mean right? I was using the third party tracking link from the framework email. Monday it is then.

Yes. More details are shown there than in Aftership.

Mine has “Departed FedEx Hub” from France at 00:12, hopefully it’s going straight to Italy!



25.11.23 18:03


Just 12 km left to go :upside_down_face: :crazy_face: :pray: :eyes: :airplane: :flight_departure: :rocket: :airplane: :house_with_garden: :package: :heart_eyes:

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Mine is now in Italy!

My laptop is still in Paris. I still hope to get it by tomorrow, I live not to far from Rome

Is it in Paris, or does it say Departed from Paris? Perhaps it’s going straight to your nearest Hub?

They say it is “At local FedEx facility”. I will keep my fingers crossed.

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Mine is in the same facility as well,I guess the delivery will be tomorrow

Not for mine, it still has to travel 1000km or so. :sweat_smile:

Ah😅,mine is just 50km away but it still says delivery on Tuesday,hope it comes tomorrow

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Mine just left the FedEx facility

8 posts were split to a new topic: Charging laptop with 30W adapter

My laptop is in Rome now!
I believe it will be here by tomorrow.

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Please do not post troubleshooting in guild threads. If you have questions that are not about the batch or shipping, please search for an existing dedicated thread or create one if necessary.

Mine’s on the FedEx van :slight_smile: should be here in an hour or so! Wish me luck for no shipping damage!


To my surprise mine is also on the way: “On Fedex vehicle for delivery”. We might be on the same van, mine set off from Heusden-Zolder :grinning:.

It’s a little surprising, the tracking still says it will arrive tomorrow. I hope it won’t spend another night on the van, but I assume it will arrive today. Let’s hope it arrives without shipping damage and that all will work smooth!