AMD Batch 7 Guild

Looks like im in the same shipment. Last update looks just like yours

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@hdmm3 's order took about 8.5hr between its release and departure from the Anchorage hub.

Yes I see that, mine has been released for over 24 hours without an update

Looks like mine just got some new updates. Did yours as well?

Unfortunately notā€¦

Iā€™m guessing the package missed an outbound scan or something as it jumped straight from the import release to departing Memphis TN, and is now at my cityā€™s destination sort facility, so hopefully Iā€™ll have the laptop today or tomorrow!

Loving this thing! Hope you all get yours soon :crossed_fingers:


Apparently fedex comes early in my country, arrived 9 sharp, assembly took my 10 minutes plus 20 minutes reading in the internet if that what i was about to do is actually correct (it was).

Crucial 5600 RAM works as expected
Now on to the software sideā€¦

Minor gripe, i think i had liked the red bezel more, oh wellā€¦

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Iā€™m surprised at the funky orange you guys chose. Iā€™m more of a minimalist black guy. In fact Iā€™ve ordered the matt black dBrand skin set for it.

How impressive is this?..


sometimes it feels like you guys are getting kickbacks from that brand considering how often i read thatā€¦or its really good. I am more the individual sticker guy, expressing my oh so different personality and all that. Thinking about itā€¦i have to leave behind all those stickers of my old laptop that is really not cutting it anymore.


yeahā€¦as said above, i lightly regret that. accents are important, but the orange looked better in September, especially now that i have seen pictures of the red bezel

funky fedex order

somewhere else it was said that those entries might be out of order, as a big company fedex can apparently skip the physical custom process and do it ā€œremoteā€ so the ā€œcustoms releaseā€ is registered after the package already left the place. in my case it was Taiwan->China->Cologne->Paris->Berlin->LocalHub although i suspect that it was in Paris first and then came to cologne

I still havenā€™t received any update since the email 15 days ago saying they are preparing the batch on my side.

Something wrong there Iā€™d say. Obviously check all your spam folders etc. but Iā€™d reach out to Support to say that everyone in your batch has shipping notifications and some devices have arrived already.

Ok, there was an email 7 days ago that arrived in my junk folder saying that they couldnā€™t charge me. Whatā€™s strange is that in my account on the Framework website, nothing showed this problem, it was just Ā«your order is okĀ»

Posting this just to add to the data for those who are experiencing delivery delays. Super stoked for putting this thing together!

So one last Update to you dear Batch 7 Guild. One day after some installing and juggling of software

I am still running KDE Neon which is currently on Kernel 6.2, apparently slightly outdated. Despite that i lose roughly 10% battery for 8 hours of suspend, not sure if this is good or not. I did not do any tweaks to the battery stuff but what joys me the most is that, when used as Desktop, the device is beefy enough to do light gaming or watch a youtube video without the fans actually spinning loudly. I am using a Thinkpad Docking Station and it works well with 3 Monitors with 1440P on each. A bit annoying for my specific orientation is that the ports on the left side donā€™t allow the configuration i like. So far so good.

Loving mine today. Just about all my audio and video stuff installed and licences transfered.
Render time for video is about 25x faster than my 3 year old Xps i7.
Very happy and LOVE the 3:2 aspect ratio screen.
Battery life excellent too.
dBrand skin on the way should finish it all off nicely!

Well it seems kinda of fitting if youā€™re going to be running Linux Mint since it looks like a minty green.

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I have the exact same dock!

A quick question about your setup - is the laptop able to dissipate the heat when the lid is closed?

Are there even Fans or rather, thermic vents on the keyboard side? I am using this standing setup since two days and as long as i am just browsing, watching youtube and do normal desktop stuff the CPU temperature never seems to budge away from around 50 degree. Let me quickly start Baldurs Gate (that game is unfortunately not really playable with the 7640U) and see how it goes.

ā€¦so after like 10 Minutes of talking to some random NPC in act 1.5. I have nothing of scientific value, but judging by that little graph i have in the upper corner, when opened the CPU utilization seems to be a bit more stable when open:

This is with laptop closed, standing upright (BG3 720p, everything low, 3x 1440P monitors)


And that with laptop opened, balanced on top of the dock to get air from all sides


The graphs should be the last 60 seconds and this was by no means a real benchmark, but as it looks you were right about the laptop being a bit cooler when opened. For pure desktop purpose its no matter, but if you actually dare to game or other heavy stuff with external monitors, keeping it open might be beneficial. If what i see really is thermal throttling, this better CPU thermal stuff might be something to look into.

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Thereā€™s always some heat going to make itā€™s way upward, so Iā€™d guess the input cover radiates some heat away with the lid open. Iā€™ll have to test this some more when I get mine tomorrow.