AMD Batch 9 Guild

EU, Charged and hyped :slight_smile:

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Yup just got payment refused because, well EU banks with F2A, but hey now it’s paid so hopefully will ship tomorrow ?

I’m in Madrid! What is the entity that makes the attempt to charge? Not sure if you can see that or figure out more about who it is…

I was anticipating something like this and I have configured my card to allow charges from outside the EU, but my bank (ING) lately is VERY aggressive on blocking operations even though I (uselessly, most of the times) try to make sure that the operation works! Really frustrating because I have lost some opportunities on some sales items, when the card gets rejected and fail to notice on time to correct the issue and the item is not available anymore… :frowning:

I originally had a payment refused on Thursday afternoon due to a credit card issue too; I fixed it and paid up Thursday evening and they shipped Friday morning so I think your chances are good :smile:

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Isnt that a Framework 16? isnt there a batch guild for the 16’s as well? or are they combined?

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Could be his typo, FW 16 Ryzen 9 is currently on batch 15, Q2.

Just got my shipping email!


That’s really nice. My T480 external battery died last week and the internal one was long gone, so my laptop is basically a NUC now.


Germany here, got shipping email, expected delivery: 7. December 2023

I also got my shipping email finally! But I did not receive any preparation mail. Strange. (no not in Junk)

Anyway, happy to get my FW soon!

receiving it tommorrow!


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Germany here, got the first e-mail on Nov. 27th, but still not charged. :expressionless:


Same for me in the UK, however reading this thread has gotten me to go tell my bank to expect a pending large amount to come out and to not block it so been useful keeping up here if not a little painful seeing as I’m very impatient :smiley: :man_facepalming:

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Super excited for delivery day today! Good luck to all the guild mates who are receiving them today or still waiting for confirmation. For those getting them today, use them in good health!

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Mine is out for delivery. hopefulyl early this morning - im having it delivered to my work office, so i should have it before i go home

Mine is at the local sorting facility. Says it will be here today but not showing as out for delivery yet.

EDIT: Out for delivery now!

\o/ it’s shipping as well now !
It’s great that FW managed to ramp-up production

It has arrived


Cant wait for the end of my work day!!!


in the US, still have not been charged. hope nothing’s gone wrong with my order

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Time to play!