Announcing the Framework Marketplace

We’ll be waiting for the reveal!


Injection molding dies are extremely expensive to make, especially if high tolerance. This would be a big factor in the price.


Sorry, what? $39 seems like a very fair price imho for what is an impressively complex-yet-works-like-magic part imho. Are we talking about the same thing?

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I’m not what?

The webcam may be technologically more complex, but I would wager it’s far easier to manufacture at volume. Unlike the webcam, which almost certainly borrows from other product designs (i.e. may fit in other laptops), the bezel is unique to this laptop. I can’t even begin to fathom the amount of design, testing, and QA hours that must have been invested in that part alone.


The bezel is a complex part with small switches that interact with the photo interrupters on the webcam module. I’m surprised it doesn’t cost a lot more. That fine blade that interrupts the interrupter (:smiley: ) is definitely a precision part, and I doubt that robots are assembling those things.


Who upgrade base to higher part so base used part will available in this market place ? If some one build 2nd hand laptop.

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Might want to rephrase your questions a little bit as it’s a little difficult to judge your exact meaning.

I think you mean to ask if second-hand used parts will be available on the marketplace.
I believe this has already been confirmed as the plan, but it will be a little while before it’s ready for use.
Not sure if a timeline has been given, but second-hand exchange of parts is definitely in the works.


Don’t forget Cyrillic keyboard layouts(Ukrainian would be great but Russian would be good enough too), please :slightly_smiling_face: My dad need one here in Ukraine :slight_smile:
Something like that:


I’m excited to support the company, but over two weeks to ship a part that is listed as in-stock is a bit ridiculous.


Anyone got an idea of when the new keyboards will be available?

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I’d submit a question about that… I ordered my Marketplace parts and they shipped out the next day.

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Thanks for the heads up on this. We just dug through and found 8 Marketplace orders that were stuck due to a systems issue. We’ll resolve this and push these through as quickly as possible.


Maybe a customisable bazel? Which allows the user to upload a design file(based on a template or sth) and have the bazel custom printed.


Any possibility of getting the bottom aluminum chassis available in the marketplace? I put my laptop in a bad location and it fell to the floor and now the corner is all mangled. I can certainly live with it, but it’d be nice to know if when I get sick of it if I can just order a new part.

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@Blake_Patton , If you message them directly they may be able to help you out with one earlier than normal.

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Are there any long-term plans/goals for how long these parts will be available?

I’m dealing with a nearly 8 year old laptop at the moment that originally seemed like a very repairable option, but official battery replacements were hard to find. A year ago I put in a third-party replacement battery, which has been causing all sorts of trouble and degraded really quickly.

Availability of replacement parts is one of the most significant issues affecting electronic sustainability, and the Marketplace seems like a really well thought out solution. I realize it’s hard to tell where Framework will head over time at this point, but do you have any specific goals for how long the Marketplace is going to sell parts (i.e. new batteries) for older machines?


I just noticed a little formatting error. On the storage expansion card page, the order of “Specs” and “Additional Information” are different between the two capacities. See below images:

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I was a bit confused today, thinking that maybe the marketplace had disappeared again, but it turns out that it is not available in my country (NL) yet, so going to redirected me to the homepage instead of showing some kind of message to help me understand.

Maybe it would be good to consider redirecting to a page that explains this, or even better, showing the marketplace already with a banner on top or so, so people can preview what will be available later already?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Parts in Europe

Yeah, I just ran into the same issue. First assumed the entire Marketplace idea had been binned before I tried switching to the en_US locale (from nl_NL).

Redirecting everything non-en_US to a page staying it’s not yet available in their region would be helpful.